Do i like him?

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Gus POV:
Matt and I were sitting down talking about how we could improve the graveyard while I started drawing with a stick so we could map out what we were doing. "Hey...Gus?" I hear Matt say in a rather quiet voice "yea..." I answer also speaking softly "do you....maybe....want to a cafe with me...tomorrow." Matt said stopping after a few words. Is he inviting me on a date?!? No he's probably just inviting me as a friend. "Uhhh sure, sounds like fun!" I say rather exited "really!" Matt perked up from were he was looking " I mean....yea, I mean it would be kind of rude if I said no anyway?" I say still looking at the floor. For one of two reasons one I was probably blushing so much and would be embarrassed if he saw me and two I was still drawing with the stick.

Matt's POV:
Did I just ask Gus out on a we're just friends...for some reason when I said that in my head it felt disappointing. I mean it's not like I LIKE him...right? "Umm anyway...." I start to say something but then I look at Gus' was some people holding hands? They look a lot like me and Gu- before I could finish my thought Gus had realized I was looking at it and suddenly started wiping away the drawing "AHH....sorry I got distracted..." Gus said lowering his voice because the ghost dude was sleeping "s'fine" I say while standing up Gus stands up too " I should get going but I'll see you tomorrow!" Gus says walking away... for some reason I don't want him to leave...."Gus!" I yell speed walking up to him "yeah Matty?" Gus asked " umm can I go over to your house...just for a bit....Its fine if I can't I just-" I stop my sentence knowing I was probably making a fool of my self "sure!" Gus says with a bright smile. My face starts to heat up and my ears turned red as well as my face why do I feel like my stomach is in a knot...Gus looks really cute- no NO he doesn't I don't know what I'm thinking

Gus POV:
Matt and I arrived at my house and I told my dad that him and I would be hanging out luckily my dad was ok with it and we went upstairs to my room "so was there something specific you wanted to do Matt?" I ask him while quickly stuffing his fake artifacts into my drawer so he couldn't see that I kept them "oh ummm not really.." Matty says looking around my room. Then he starts laughing "what's so funny?" I ask " nothing really it's just the fact that you have the picture of me and you on my birthday on your wall." I look at the picture "yeah I thought it was a cute picture so I put it up.." I say. "Ooh do you want to watch a movie!" I say excited "sure!"
Time skip (they are in the middle of the movie
Matt's POV:
Gus and I are watching the movie when I realized that I wasn't even watching the movie I was starting at him. He looks at me with a confused expression on his face "are you ok you seem really red?" Gus says feeling my forehead probably to dee if I have a fever. I touched my face and my face was really warm. I pull away noticing how close we were to each other "sorry I just....I'm just uh not feeling well" I say "oh well do you want to go home?" Gus asked "uh no I think I'll be fine" I laugh nervously at the end of that sentence "oh!" Gus says like he got an idea "do you want to sleep over!" He said very excited " umm sure if it's ok with your dad" he goes and asked his dad then runs back upstairs telling me that his dad said it was ok
________________________________————————————————————- that's where I'm going to end it because I am really tired but anyway I'll probably update this this weekend

Do I like him? (Gustholomule)Where stories live. Discover now