15: To Gringotts

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Once we arrive at the cottage I get a call from Regulus checking in. I tell him that I'm helping Remus pack his things so he can move into one of the spare rooms since his father is pushing him to go to the ministry.

Everything was packed away quickly with the two of us and we left the room completely bare. We apparate back to my house and appear on the back porch. Remus goes in first and heads up the stairs to his room. I hear the floo go off so I head to the living room and see Regulus watching tv and drinking tea as Lily stumbles in holding a paper.

"Is Remus here?"

Hearing his name he comes back down the stairs, "I'm here Lily. What's wrong?" She unfolds and shows us the front page of the daily prophet, 'Minister of Magic Nobby Leach asks all werewolves living in the UK to come to the ministry to help find a cure for lycanthropy!'

We all look at the paper wide eyed and my cell rings. I looked down seeing it was Sirius and picked up the phone, putting him on speaker. "Hello darling! We just arrived at our post safe and sound."

"That's great honey but we may have a big issue."

"What? Why? What happened?"

"I just got the prophet. The minister is asking all the werewolves living in the UK to go to the ministry to help contribute in finding a cure. They are offering them 1000 galleons to all that comply and jail time to those that don't, claiming they are going against the ministry." Lily rants.

This makes Remus start pacing the room and mutter to himself. "Don't do anything stupid Remus. You're safe at Y/N's house." We hear James say in the background.

Regulus sighs and rubs his head, "well the only way we can stop this now to start the war early before it gets worse. Let's take the Horcruxes to gringotts, have them do their inspection, and ask the goblins to destroy the ones we have with the dark artifacts they find. They have a different kind of magic so it should be no problem, but they'll charge a fee."

"That's a brilliant idea Reggie. I wish we could've been there to join you all on this."

"The problem is once they are destroyed, Tommy boy will know. Where can we take the battle?" I ask.

We all think for a moment before Regulus replies, "well, they are all held up at Malfoy Manor. That's where they all meet and that's where most of the death eaters live. Let's bring the battle to them."

"Okay that's perfect but how will we get the order in on this so they could help?"

Lily held up a hand, "leave that to me Y/N. We know where so just say when."

"We don't know how long it's going to take him to act or where. He'll definitely know when they are destroyed, so let's brew all we can and get supplies ready. When the boys come back from their mission and after they have rested we'll go to Gringotts then head to the manor."

"I'll take down the wards since I know where their weak points are." Regulus nods.

"Perfect. I'll send a letter to gringotts to set up a private meeting for all of us to attend. I was going to be found out as the mysterious muggle born sooner or later, why not control when they found out."

We talk to the boys for a while before we all say goodbye and head to the library. Lily runs home to grab her cauldrons and sent a letter to the Potters, charmed so that only they can read it as Remus sends a letter with Hoots to Alice and Frank to meet us at my house so that we could fill them in before Lily calls an order meeting to ask for help.

We fill in both Alice and Frank on our plans for the week and they both help us gather supplies or make potions. I make a good few that act like bombs, you just throw the vial and when it cracks, it explodes. I won't truly know if it works until I try it though.

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