18: The Trial

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"What? You sent Sam?"

He doesn't react to my words, "it was a difficult thing to do." With a wave of his wand, bars appeared on all the doors, windows, and floo.

There was no way out.

"I'm shocked that he picked someone with so much knowledge of our world. It was a nice surprise." He chuckles before he continues, "You see, I came across an extremely rare and interesting artifact during my travels that lets me see into different realities, different timelines similar to my own. It's the only one in existence and was made by a young dark wizard who didn't know how to properly use it."

He sighs and sits in silence for a moment. "It was way before my time. Do you know about it? Shifting reality to one you dream about, taking what you want for yourself." I go to speak but he doesn't let me answer. "The universe is vast and not as empty as one may think, so when I learned of the legendary Harry Potter in an alternate timeline and how I was praised, I knew it was time to take what I always wanted. Power."

"You're already powerful. Why would you need more?" I went to grab my wand from my pocket but he accio it into his hand and looked it over. "To be loved and feared by all." He said as he gently ran his hand over my wand and then snapped it in two. "NO!" I go to stand but with a snap, I'm tied to my chair and every time I try to wiggle free it only gets tighter.

I could practically feel Sirius radiating his anger, wanting to react, to help me and I could almost see James holding him back despite also being angry himself. "I'm going to leave this world and take over yours. They're all muggles, so they can't fight back." I growl in anger, "we have armies. As soon as you start a mass killing they'll be called to stop you!" He chuckles. "I have plans for that just as I have plans to make my magic work permanently in your world, unlike the limited magic I allowed sir Alton."

"If you're going to use their pronouns, use it right! They didn't want to do this to me, to bring me here, just like they didn't want to give up their life! You must have done something to them, you absolute bastard!" My ropes tightened and I gasp in pain. "Oh yes. I simply threatened to kill his family if he didn't comply. I just did so anyway once he was gone. He knew he couldn't return so what was the point of keeping them alive?"

I hated this man. He has no respect or care for anyone but himself. "Why are you telling me this?" He finally stands and goes to look out the nearest barred window. "Because, my dear. I'll simply wipe your mind and come back to kill you when I'm ready to leave this world."

"Wait. You have to kill me?"

The twinkle in his eye is back as he turns to look at me. "Oh yes. You see, you need someone from the reality you wish to go to and.......replace them. It took a few witches and wizards to be sacrificed and the enchantments to be redone, but I finally found the perfect mix to bring Samuel to you with instructions on how to send you here. You may be dead in your world, but since you're still alive here you could technically go back. Only, you have no one from your world with you to sacrifice. Sacrifice is very important here. A very important step."

His hands clasped behind his back and he turned back to the window. "I love what you have done with the grounds. Too bad you'll be dead soon to fully enjoy the holidays." I could hear Sirius' low growl so I spoke over him, "And the werewolves? I know you have something to do with it." He shudders in disgust, "always hated those creatures. Evil and dark beings. The potions I created just show the rest of the world who they are."

"You forced witches and wizards all over Europe to transform into beings they didn't want to be in the first place. Some lycanthropes didn't wish to be bitten, starving, and broken because of your outdated laws and you tricked them into thinking you were testing a cure." He smiles proudly, "yes. It was a wonderful plan."

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