Chapter 28

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"We need to talk" Draco says sitting down on the sofa. "Can it wait?" I say stood opposite him, pausing the tv. "No it's important" Tom answers sitting next to Draco. "What is it?" Mattheo says standing next to me. "Father is coming to Hogwarts in March" Tom says. "What?!" Mattheo and I say at the same time. "It gets worse" Draco states. "What could get worse?" I ask. "He made Tom and I death eaters" Draco answers. "What?!" Mattheo and I say again.

"He wants to make Mattheo one too but knows he won't agree because of you Y/n" Tom says. "Okay that's good isn't?" I ask looking around at the three boys. "No its not. He will either kill both of you or make you both death eaters and not by choice" Tom continues.

"He's thinking about making you both death eaters because Y/n is one of the strongest witches at Hogwarts" Draco says putting his head in his hands. "Then let him." I say calmly. "What?!" Mattheo shouts. "It will be a good thing trust me" I laugh. "How?!" Mattheo shouts again. "She has a plan" Tom smirks. "How did you know" I laugh. "What is it princess?" Mattheo says looking at me. "If we become death eaters we are on the inside. Meaning that we will know everything he is planning" I say to the three boys. "That's a brilliant idea" Mattheo says hugging me.

"One problem though." Draco says. "What if he finds out?" Tom finishes. "We won't let him" I say. "But what if he does?" Draco asks. "Then it's his own fault for trusting a potter" I laugh. "Good point" Tom laughs. "Whats that supposed to mean" I say jokingly. "Oh umm... nothing." Tom says. "I was joking" I laugh making the three boys boys as well.

"Draco you staying here tonight?" Mattheo asks him. "If you don't mind I need to get away from my place" Draco says leaning back in the sofa. "Yeah it's no problem" Tom says. "Thanks" Draco replies.

"This came through the door master" The brothers house elf says handing Mattheo a newspaper with a note on it. "Thank you" Mattheo says as the elf leaves the room. "It's for you Y/n" Mattheo says handing it to me. "Thanks" I say moving the letter out the way of the front cover of the newspaper and seeing what's on it. "I will be right back" I say quickly covering it back up and leaving the room. I go into the kitchen and open the note up.

It reads:
This better have not been your doing Y/n. I thought you said when you moved in no one else would get hurt. His parents wants to see you.

The note was from my aunt back in the muggle world. I look on the front cover of the newspaper again. Two words at the top of the page. 'Boy Missing' It was in bold letters so you couldn't miss it. Underneath the words was a photo. A photo of Ben. I thought this would have been over. But I guess his family haven't seen him since that night. No one in the muggle world knows he's dead.

His parents wants to see me? That means seeing my old friends.

"Y/n?" Mattheo says coming into the kitchen. He sees the newspaper on the table which I'm sat at. "Oh" Is all he says. "His parents wants to see me..." I say. "Okay well you cant tell them that you killed him" Mattheo says. "Yeah I know that. But they are so nice and I can't bare to see them sad." I say as Mattheo stands behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Do you want me to come with you?" He asks. "Could you?" I say looking up at him. "Yes of course princess."

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