~Guiding Light and the annoying Shadow~

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First before we start this is gonna be inspired by another Wattpad book called Cooking with Guiding light but with Shadow in it. Anyways let's get into it shall we?

"Guiding light, guiding light where are you?" Shadow said, beginning to search through door after door. She heard someone saying an intro for a YouTube video and it sounded like guiding light.
"Hello everyone and welcome back to my cooking show cooking with guiding light!" Guiding light said in an announcer voice
Shadow bursted into the room
"Shadow- uhm- what are you doing here" Guiding light stuttered, hiding Seek parts behind him but it was hard since his light illuminated everything.
"I was looking for you to tell you something but your busy so I'll go" Shadow said
"No, no say it now" Guiding light said
Shadow sighs "fine" she said, "I like you" Shadow admits
"I- uhm like you too-" Guiding light admits, they both shape into humans and kiss each other (this is fiction so Idc if they can't do that.)
"You wanna cook Seek pie with me then? For bonding together" Guiding light asks
"Sure that would be great" Shadow said, blushing a white color since she was a shadow.
They made the Seek cake, cutting out the eyes for the top of the cake since it would be perfect for it.
"Your announcer voice is- very fancy" Shadow said
"Haha, yeah it is" Guiding light said
"It's a change of pace from your normally shy self" Shadow said
"Yeah definitely, I normally just guide players without making a noise well just sparkle sounds since they can follow my light" Guiding light said
"Yeah, I normally hang out in the shadows searching for rush to hang with him since he's one of my best buds" Shadow said
"I hate him but that's just my opinion" Guiding light said
"Do you hate him only because you have to keep saying his name so many times because players keep dying to him?" Shadow asks
Guiding light just sighs "yes" guiding light admits.
"Makes sense to be honest I enjoy hanging with him but he just doesn't stay for long" Shadow said
"I agree he's also toxic to other entities" Guiding light said
"No fair you know the drama" Shadow said rolling her eyes.
"Well I can spill all of it on you if that makes you feel any better Shadow" Guiding light said
"Yeah I wanna hear all the spicy tea!" Shadow said, Guiding light spills all of the tea onto Shadow and Shadow felt comforted in knowing all of the insight and drama from guiding lights whereabouts.
"Hey, after we are done with the cake you wanna go somewhere?" Guiding light asks
"Sure you annoying light" Shadow said
Guiding light laughs "you annoying Shadow" he said back.
Shadow laughed at what he said back and they finished the cake and tasted it, it tasted like oil and iron but they liked the taste, it needed sugar though.
After they were finished with the cake and tasting guiding light led shadow to this calming place in the hotel and they hung out by the angel statue with the sword and talked for a while.
"So you like me back?" Shadow asks
"Yeah I do, I actually do even if I don't really have that many romantic feelings left" Guiding light said
"Oh- well I will be the one to change that" Shadow said
"Oh yes you will" Guiding light said, he then put some music on and they danced the night away and fell asleep on each other when they got tired. In the morning they just watched the sun rise and then fall again since they wasted the day together again. They kept doing this day after day but they loved each other so much that they didn't mind, guiding light still kept up with his job but got distracted by Shadow most of the time but still kept up with it. They had a great relationship though even if they were opposites, a light and a shadow who knew they would be such a perfect pair? Like how are they so perfect together?- I mean- it would make sense even if they are opposites.
Word count: 707
I had fun writing this so look at the fandoms list and keep suggesting! <3

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