~Tired of being a royal (Leah and Cyber)~

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Leah's pov: Why do my parents always have to tell me what to do? I mean they are protective over me like very overprotective. But I should just run away from the castle, they probably would never even notice, so I decided at night I would run from the castle.
(Time skip to night)
I put on some clothes but the problem was I only had skirts and no commoners clothes to blend in with the normal people so I had to deal with what I had which was a miniskirt with a normal looking bodice and my crown which my parents would hate me even more if I didn't wear one out. So I changed and then got out of the castle without anyone noticing at all, the maids were busy and everyone was sleeping in their dorm rooms. And I was quiet so I didn't even get noticed by anyone at all.
I decided to explore but I was lost since I've never really been out of the castle alone before. So I just explored and eventually found a hut to sleep at for the night, it had a warn down bed in it that I wasn't used to but I didn't mind at all. Someone left this perfectly cleaned hut here on the top of the hill by the castle? Why didn't I see this hut sooner?
Suddenly I heard a radio station turn on.
"Bandit on the loose! He has black hair, a black hat, purple hoodie, blue pants, black mask and white shoes! If you find him please contact the police or at least hold him off! Thank you and have a great rest of your night. The news guy said, right after the broadcast finishes the radio shuts off and I drift my way into dreamland.
In the morning I grab my bag that I brought and trek along on my journey, suddenly I see a sign that says 'Earth' on it and I looked at it with curious eyes. It's really populated but I avoid the people, I suddenly see someone in the alleyway and go up to them, they seemed scared when they saw me.
"Hey don't be scared I'm not gonna hurt you" I said to them
"Y-your- the princess" They replied
"I know but I came since I ran away" I replied
"Oh- why?" They replied
"Before I answer that, who- are you?" I asked
"Cybernova but you can just call me Cyber, I am half alien, half human" Cyber replied
"Oh- are you a commoner?" I asked, she nodded being a little shy with me right now.
"Now the why I'm here, I'm tired of being a royal and I wanna stay here living a commoner life since that seems better to me" I explained.
"Well- I-I can help you" Cyber stuttered
"Great!" I replied, tears were rolling down Cyber's cheeks
"What's wrong Cyber?" I asked
"It's just- the bandit, he's after me specifically" Cyber said
"Oh- well I'll protect you but I just need a weapon" I replied, Cyber gave me her cyber sword since she trusted me with it.
"Go over there! He's right there!" Cyber said in a louder voice then usual and I head over to where he is and slash the bandana right off his face, I didn't recognize who it was at all but Cyber did.
"Ominous?! Why would you do this?" Cyber exclaims, coming to my aid
Ominous Nebula sighs "to find you Cybernova" Ominous replies
"You could've just not become a bandit!" Cyber exclaims
"I know but I wanted more chaos to the mix, also who's your little friend here?" Ominous asks
"It's- well I don't know her name yet" Cyber said
"Leah Ashe but just call me Leah, nice to meet you Cyber and Ominous" I replied.
"Nice to meet you, now can you guys hide me? Everyone's after me" Ominous explained
"Yeah we can don't worry about it, you can hide in my apartment" Cyber said
"You- you have an apartment!" I exclaimed
"Yeah even if I'm just a common person I still have one, now come let me show you guys the apartment" Cyber explains, me and Ominous follow.
When we reach the apartment it's decorated, all alien like and really cool looking. So we all just hangout for a while in there but I'm only thinking about one thing the whole time.
Will my parents ever find me here?
Word count: 744 words
And thank you GeminiGalatic for the fun suggestion! Working on your other one soon!

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