Our Targets... are the rest of the finalists!

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(TW: Angst! Lol- also this is inspired by one of YanDanTDM s art peices of Evil Tanqr and Kreek! I think you were the one who did that! I don't remember though)
(Characters so I can remember: Sabrina, Dj, ,Kreek, Tanqr, IBella, Denis, Pinkleaf! Meg and Russo, Btw this is in real life not roblox so they are playing roblox in real life trying to kill the rest of the finalists in real life if that makes any sense!)
Kreek's pov: "Tanqr do you have the weapons?" I asked, we we're currently in a base, Tanqr's secret base exactly that he dragged me into. My outfit was currently matching his since I was in a red villain suit that I really admired.
"Yeah we do! Which one do you want?" Tanqr asked, showing me his stash of weapons that was in his truck at the moment.
I saw my swords and shield of wisdom in there and took those and a bow and a couple arrows since I was pretty good with a bow because of Minecraft! Yes I did compete in mcc once no big deal!
Tanqr grabbed his swords, put them on his back and also grabbed a couple other weapons like a gun and some ammo.
"Perfect" Tanqr whispered
"Perfect" I repeated as he closed his trunk and climbed into the drivers seat, I climbed into the passengers seat and admired his exposed eye since he had one eye exposed since his mask cracked and he wasn't able to fix it quite yet.
"Admiring my eye I see" Tanqr notices, I blushed at his words as we drove all the way to the studio where Sabrina and Dj were guarding it since Pinkleaf and IBella were in the studio training for the battle. I also heard that Meg and Russo were in there watching them play just for fun. Me and Tanqr were kinda masked so Dj and Sabrina could barely tell who we were.
We inched closer to the rb battles studio eying Sabrina and Dj, moving them out of the way, Dj tried to fight it but he was too tired from training that morning to fight anything, he collapsed into Sabrina's arms once we moved Sabrina out of the way.
"HEY! WATCH IT!" Sabrina yelled but we didn't hear her since we already were on our way upstairs to kill Pinkleaf and IBella. But Denis wasn't here so we had to find him later.
"Ready to fight them?" Tanqr asked
"I was born ready!" I replied, a strong voice coming out of me which Tanqr didn't expect from me a weakling that always lost against him in everything- well almost everything.
Once we were upstairs we heard Russo yelling..
"JUDGES?!" Russo yelled
"No need to yell- there aren't a bunch of people that your talking to behind a screen" Meg replied but me and Tanqr didn't hear that we just heard Russo's yell.
We barged into the room and unmasked ourselves, Tanqr's eyes turned red, the same color as mine at the time which I guessed that he was turning into me now!
"Kreek? Tanqr? What are you doing here?" Pinkleaf asked
"Yeah- and why do you have your swords out?" Bella asked, I inched towards Bella and tried stabbing her in the chest but Pinkleaf took the hit for her.
"You are not hurting my sister!" Pinkleaf urged, grabbing his pink sword from his back and stabbing me but Tanqr my lover took the hit for me.
"NO!" I yelled, stabbing Pinkleaf a million times for doing that to me, breaking his computer in the process. We have successfully killed Tanqr and my other rival! Now we had to kill his sister!
"Not so fa-" Meg interrupted but couldn't finish because she got stabbed by Tanqr, Sabrina was too late she was busy with Dj to heal anyone! And that was our whole plan all along!
"YOU NEVER MESS WITH THE RUSSO'S!" Russo yelled, stabbing Tanqr in the chest, I stabbed Russo a ton of times and he died right next to his wife Meg. I bandaged Tanqr with the bandages I had in my pocket and he stood up again. Bella grabbed her mega sword from her back and began to try to avenge Pinkleaf her brother but she was gonna fail since me and Tanqr work well together as a team, a team of villains.
"Why would you do this to yourselves Tanqr and Kreek? I thought you guys were rivals! Why did you have to change?!" Bella exclaimed, tears falling from her tear ducts- surprisingly a lot of tears but we showed no remorse.
No remorse for the poor souls so me and Tanqr with both of our swords out ran towards Bella and pinned her to the wall, she couldn't fight back anymore.
"Say goodbye Bella!" Tanqr urged, smirking evilly since he took off his mask so I could see his face.
"Goodbye... traitors!" Bella replied, her last words to us, now we had to find Denis but before we did we needed to wash up so we didn't get caught at all for this nasty deed but we didn't see it as nasty we saw it as a chance for vengeance. Vengeance for not getting the hood of champions- getting the vengeance for JP since JP didn't wanna do it himself but we were gonna keep at least Dj and Sabrina alive for him to grab later for his last deed!
I grabbed Tanqr's hand and we went to the bathroom to wash up with the sink even if it was a tiny bit hard, we even cleaned off our swords which were bloody and a bit cracked from hitting the wall but they were fine to at least use again.
After we were done washing up we masked up once again and went back to Tanqr's truck which was still clean so it was fine for him to drive in still.
Tanqr's pov: I caught Kreek staring at my unmasked face but I continued to drive since I was so wanting to get Denis because he deserved dying for losing against one of the kings which was me and Kreek!
We found Denis in a park with Calixo, we heard them talking about golf and how they were gonna continue golfing together. But I pulled Denis aside and shot him when Calixo wasn't looking, Calixo began to cry once he saw Denis... dead on the side of a building.
"HE'S NOT BREATHING! HE- HE HAS NO PULSE!" Calixo yelled, taking Sir meows a lot from Denis's shoulder which me and Kreek saw while we were driving away to meet with JP again which I really wanted to see the look on his face once he heard what we have done! He's gonna love what we are gonna tell him! He's gonna be so proud of us!!!!
JP's pov: I saw my new minions drive up to my secret base which only Russo and them knew the location for which was on purpose.
They went up to me and waved and showed me pictures of all that they have done for me which I was proud of them.
"Good Job Kreek and Tanqr!" I exclaimed, I didn't release them from their control yet since I wanted them and also Sabrina and Dj to be my puppets... forever!
I put them in their test tubes again and began to make them hallucinate about their past lives. Kreek about Tanqr and them hanging out in high school and Tanqr about training in arsenal with Hoopie, Kayla also with Tanqr but it was all fake and apart of my master plan!
I left them and flew over to the rb battles studio on my winners wings since I uhm- stole them! I knocked Sabrina and Dj unconscious with my bat that I also brought with me and picked them both up in my arms.
"You two will be my puppets as well! Say goodbye to your true selves!" I muttered, evil laughing to myself as I got back to my secret lab, they didn't even know that Russo was dead! Heck I wasn't even sad that Russo was dead! I was just happy that Kreek and Tanqr finally got their revenge and that I got my revenge as well!
Once I got towards the secret hide out Sabrina and Dj suddenly woke up in my arms and were looking around confused and holding their heads in pain. I took their swords from their backs and combined them all with Russo'S sword of truth that I grabbed from the studio before I grabbed Sabrina and Dj.
I then shoved Sabrina and Dj into my mind control machines and then turned them on.
"NO- WAIT!" Sabrina protested, struggling out of the machine but not getting out of it, Dj tried the same, they held hands while they were in the machine though as comfort.
"I LOVE YOU SABRINA! I'M SORRY!" Dj yelled just as Sabrina became controlled first, she had a look of hatred in her eyes and her eyes were now red.
"I'm breaking up with you!" Sabrina exclaimed, an angry look falling onto her face which is exactly what I planned to happen.
"I'm breaking up with you as well!" Dj agreed with Sabrina and they split up physically from each other, a hatred fell over the two of them which was perfect for me since I wanted this to happen and my plan worked out! I loved the new rb battles the new ruined rb battles! Where I was the host, I WAS THE MASTERMIND OF THE WHOLE THING! IT WAS AN AMAZING PLAN AND IT WORKED! And I was so glad it worked! And now so glad that Sabrina and Dj hated each other! Since I wanted Dj to feel the pain of heartbreak once and for all! I finally got my revenge... but I didn't know what else I could do to ruin rb battles so I would have to think about it more-!
(Word count: 1679!)

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