WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! (Another Evil Liv oneshot! With Russo and Liv!)

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(A/N before we start: this is gonna be when Russo and Liv aren't together but are about to be and that's why Evil Liv is jealous and does this before Russo confesses to Liv! Onto the oneshot!)
Evil Liv's pov: I saw Russo and- her hanging out together! Ugh! I was outraged about this but what power should I use on her? Turning her into a frog would just make Russo take care of her more so how about the stone power I have since mind controlling her to not be with Russo would just make her fight it.
"HEY LOVERBOY! Watch!" I yelled as I raised my scepter to Liv's chest, turning her into stone with my stone beam.
"Evil Liv! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!" Russo exclaimed, yelling since he was mad at me for this.
"For revenge-" I replied, JP showed up to drag me away from them "come along darling you don't deserve him you deserve me instead!" JP exclaims, dragging me to a fancy restaurant to calm my nerves and jealousy.
Russo's pov: "LIV PLEASE! WAKE UP!" I yelled
Liv remained stone even through Russo yelled for her to wake up.
"EVIL LIV COME BACK TO REVERSE THE SPELL!" I yelled, JP teleported her back here with him holding her hand.
"I don't want my son hurt so please reverse it- for me darling~" JP says
"Fine- but there's gonna be a side effect to this I'm sorry Russo!" Evil Liv replied, undoing the spell reluctantly, crossing her arms being angry at JP.
"What... happened?" Liv asked, her stone self immediately turning normal again as JP dragged Evil Liv away again.
"You- You turned to stone dear-" I replied
"WH-WHO ARE YOU?!" Liv exclaimed
"It's Russo- your boyfriend- you don't remember me?" I replied with tears in my eyes
"I... I don't have a Boyfriend! I- only remember everything that happened before I got here!" Liv replied
"Like what?" I asked
"Devin... Dan... the rest is all a blur!" Liv exclaimed
"Well I'm Russo you must have seen me on Rb battles right?" Russo asked
"Oh yeah! I remember how obsessed with it I was don't I... host it now? Since I'm in your world and all-" Liv questioned
"Yeah you do! Your starting to get it- let's just go look at group pictures to try to jog your memory since side effects do go away... right?" I questioned
Yes they do now... good luck Loverboy! Evil Liv said in my mind in her ominous dark voice.
"Ok! I'll follow you!" Liv agreed, following me to the studios library, Sabrina was there with Dj randomly reading books together since that's what they did if they were very bored.
"Hey Liv! Russo! What are you guys up to?"Sabrina asked
"Well Liv lost her memory from Evil Liv's stone reversal spell so we are regaining it back! Together!" I exclaimed, going to the rb battles part of the library.
"Oh can we help?" Dj asked
"Sure! Sabrina since your her best friend explain some memories you two shared!" I agreed, Sabrina explained the memories while I searched the photo albums for pictures of Liv.
Liv suddenly passed out after looking at all of them, her sword glowing, I caught her in my arms and put her in her bed. I talked to Sabrina about something I should do but I didn't know if I should do it.
"Should I grab her sword and use her power on her to wake her up?" I asked
"Yeah- if you really care about her you would do that so yes" Sabrina replied, Dj nodded his head in agreement.
I headed to Liv's room and grabbed her sword that I had combined with my sword of truth.
"Here goes nothing I guess!" I exclaimed in a odd tone, the sword glowed magenta and blue in my hands and it woke Liv up from her passing out immediately. I felt my energy drain but I stayed awake... for her...
"Are you- better now?" I asked
"K-kinda!" Liv stuttered out
"I'll help- or at least try!" I exclaimed sleepily
"Alright... Russo..." Liv replied sleepily, looking like she was about to pass out on the bed with me next to her, it was a double bed so I laid down next to her.
"Here- we must both be tired! So we can rest together until Sabrina or Dj wanna wake us!" I explained
"Ok! Also my head- Russo it hurts really bad!" Liv replied, looking like she was about to pass out from being lightheaded.
"Come here" I replied, facing towards her, her brown eyes shining in the light.
Sabrina came to check on us but just came to shut the light off since she didn't wanna intrude on us falling asleep at all. Liv came near me and we began cuddling each other to sleep.
"Found all our swords and gathered the" I sang softly while ruffling her hair.
"Badges just in time-" Liv continued softly, falling asleep after singing that line, I ruffled her hair and didn't continue singing since I didn't wanna wake her.
"Goodnight Liv, I love you..." I whispered in her ear, using her sword on her so she could have good dreams, I dropped the sword on the ground, it was still combined with my sword of truth but I didn't care. It really matched since it made dreams have the truth come out of them in a good way!
I fell asleep after I whispered I love you in her ear and unleashed the swords powers onto Liv. I continued to cuddle her all night but I heard a voice in my mind- 2 voices..

U S!

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