~the queen's execution (Evil Liv Oneshot)~

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A/N: This is inspired by Robloxarompa but not really since it's just a execution scene. But I got my motivation to do this from Robloxarompa! And kinda also inspired by Marie Antoinette's execution but it's gonna be different. Also this is not gonna be canon in my own lore so you can suggest Evil Liv Oneshots still- so sorry for spoiling it here but I had to say it before we start but enjoy it anyways since it's gonna not all be In this A/N! Also P.s Midnight if you wanna do a Daybreak version of this- I would read it lol, A N G S T
Liv's pov: It is time for the queen's crown to fall today from me executing her and becoming the new queen. Since she exiled me on purpose and I hated it, I'll be a better queen then she could ever be.
I walked up to the stage with a man beside me that had red hair and red eyes, that man was my boyfriend Devin he came with me to be the new king. Dan is of the rival kingdoms and his twin brother, Devin hates his twin brother since he's made Evil Liv like this and now it is time to use her powers against her, something she's never thought could happen.
"it's time for the perfect execution method for you Evil Queen Liv, or should I just say Evil Liv" I said to her on stage in front of a large crowd, like most executions were.
"Time to use your powers from your scepter" I said, taking her scepter from the armor stand that was set up by her chains that were on her wrists.
"Hmm how do I use this? Oh I know how since I have powers I was just mocking you" I said, laughing.
"I-I'm sorry for all that I've done" Evil Liv said
"Well sorry won't save you now!" I said
Evil Liv sighs "I know, just get it over with" Evil Liv said.
"Any last words?" I asked
"Watch out for Dan, he's the worst of all of the kingdom rulers and I know that you knew that already, and have a good rest of your life with Devin. He's the one I wish I had" Evil Liv said, a tear falls down one of her cheeks in regret and pain.
"I know you regret all you have done but I have to do this, to get rid of at least one evil person in this kingdom" I said, zapping her with the scepter, she turned to stone in her chains in a shocked face, the tear even showed and was dark stone showing her pain. The guards already took her crown off before the execution so they are gonna give it to me at my crowning. I kinda felt bad for her but I had to do what was best for the town, and for me since she tormented me every single waking moment of every day even through my thoughts. The guards moved her into the fire to burn the stone she was in a shocked pose with her hand raised wanting me to stop. But I didn't stop since I did what I had to do... for the kingdom to stay out of trouble of poor leaders and for myself which the kingdom needed to be cleansed of evil, even if the rival kingdom still had it.
I went to sleep that night but it was hard to sleep, I felt a mix of physical heart pain from it beating so much. Sadness and anger mixed with nightmares, but Devin helped me through it all. Even stayed up with me for a while because of it which was nice of him. Because in the morning it was my crowning and his crowning as well.
The crowning day (in the morning)
Devin's pov: I was the one who woke up first but the crowning was soon so I woke up Liv as well.
"H-huh oh, right crowning day" Liv said
"Yup, exactly why I woke you up" I said
"Let's go downstairs then, it starts after breakfast!" Liv said
"Alright!" I said, holding Liv's hand while we both walked downstairs together.
After breakfast (time skips sorry)
The guard that we all knew as Flame (If you get the reference you actually read my art books stories.)
Stood up with two crowns in his hands, his orange hair brushed, he wore a black suit but still had his wings and horns which they were stuck on there because of Tanqr but we didn't mind at all.
"You two swear to protect the kingdom from evil at all costs and to get married soon?" Flame asks
"Yes we do swear that!" Liv said
"Yeah I do as well" I said, Flame then put the silver red gemmed crown on me and the silver magenta crown on Liv. And we enjoyed the rest of the day together like we always did but I wondered about Dan, mainly if he was treating his kingdom well.
Word count (not counting A/N): probably around 700 ish so tons of words)
But anyone can use this idea but don't completely copy and paste my story (that's probably why WattPad disabled it lol) but yeah- hope you enjoyed!
L o r e

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