The surprise party! (100 follower special oneshot!)

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Midnight's pov: I went to Russo's house since I really needed him to distract Liv for a couple hours while me, Sabrina, Dj and the others prepared the party. The party was for her reaching 100 followers on Wattpad which I know it was her goal and she reached it so we should all prepare ourselves for the party! I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell, the blue haired host walked out with his phone in his hands, he wasn't calling Liv at least since I hate to explain the party to Russo and also all the others.
"Hey Midnight! What are you doing here?" Russo asks
"I'm just wondering if you can distract Liv for a couple hours while we planned a surprise party!" I asked
"Sure! I was about to plan a day out with her anyways- so thanks for reminding me, I'll have her over right now!" Russo exclaimed as I headed out, going to distract Liv. I went to go invite everyone who Liv requested since I randomly asked her who she would invite to a party- wasn't suspicious at all! Hahaha
But next was Sabrina and Dj, I only had to pick them up from their house since they were hanging out together today.
Once I got to their house I knocked on the door "HELLOOOOO lovebirds!!!!" I exclaimed literally yelling the first word I said and laughing at the end.
"Oh hey Midnight! We were just waiting for you" Dj replied with a laugh, holding Sabrina's hand and going with me to pick everyone else up.
Liv's pov: I suddenly heard the knock of my door and opened it, it was Russo!
"Hey Sweetheart! I missed you and was just thinking we could go on a date today!" Russo exclaimed
"Alright!" I replied, pulling him into an embrace, he embraced me back and then lead me to his car so we could go somewhere.
"Where are we- going?" I asked
"To the park to have a picnic date! Don't worry I packed food for us! Since it's lunch time already~" Russo replied
"Yeah- I'm starving so thank you!" I replied, getting out of the car once we got to the park.
I suddenly saw Angel at the park, his wings flapping about to fly away.
"Hey Angel! Where are you going?" I asked
"N-nowhere!" He replied, grabbing Jake from the park bench they were just at.
"Alright- but your acting pretty suspicious!" I admitted
"Sorry for that- haha" Jake replied, laughing, Angel also started laughing. They then left us alone for our park date which definitely made sense to do.
Suddenly two people we didn't know showed up out of nowhere.
"Hey- who are you two?" I asked
"I'm Dragon! That's Masked, they are a little bit shy but nice to meet you Liv!" Dragon replied
"Oh ah nice to meet you as well! Where's Meadow I haven't seen her in a while..." I replied
"Oh- she's plan-" Dragon tried to continue but Masked put an extra mask on her face
"Don't say anything it's a surprise!" Masked muttered to Dragon
"Fineeee" Dragon muttered back
"Alright then I'll see her once she's done with whatever she's doing- can you leave me and my boyfriend be? We want to be alone- for now anyways" I asked
"Surely- we ship you two anyways!" Dragon muttered that last part but went on her way back to wherever she had to meet.
"Here's the food I brought I hope you like it!" Russo said with a smile on his face as we ate our food and watched the birds soar in the air.
Rose was watching from afar snickering to herself as her plan was working to get them two together and distracted for the surprise party that they were already planning.
(Time skip to dinner time!)
Still Liv's pov: "Time to walk home to your house together!" Russo exclaimed, taking my hand into his, I blushed like crazy as he walked me home.
"Why is it so- decorated?" I asked
"No reason!" Russo exclaimed, his sword of truth glowing bright red when he said that since he was lying for a reason. I laughed since I saw his sword glow bright red, he was lying for a reason though but I still didn't know what reason. "Let's just go inside!" Russo added, still holding my hand, I was lead inside of my house but it looked empty until suddenly everyone yelled "SURPRISE!" And came up to hug me, Angel's wings covered most of us in warmth including me.
"Aww what's this party for? It's just pretty random" I suddenly asked.
"Oh- it's for hitting 100 followers on Wattpad!" Midnight exclaimed happily shooting a confetti cannon in the air.
"Those were for later!" Sabrina exclaimed angrily
"I don't care! It's just one cannon!" Midnight exclaimed
Sabrina sighs "alright fine since it's just one! We have a ton anyways" Sabrina muttered.
"Haha! I like when Sabrina is mad sometimes!" Dj replied, his head on Sabrina's shoulder, he was playfully playing with her hair while she was just sitting there.
"Oh both sets of lovebirds are here! At long last" Midnight exclaims
Masked was in the corner questioning their existence for the whole entire time wearing the classic mask that they always wore and a black long sleeved dress.
"So what do you wanna do it's your party!" Meadow asked
"Hmm- is Peetahbread here? I want to see you guys try to make bread together for once without burning it since YOU always burn it! On purpose!" I exclaim
"Uhh yeah he's here I think- he's my plus one!" Meadow replied, grabbing Peetah from the open window since on the first floor he was trying to escape.
"Dude your coming with me- no escaping me this time! We are baking bread-" Meadow explained
"Did you just say, bread?!" Peetah exclaimed
"Uhm! Yes!" Meadow exclaimed, they then went to the kitchen to bake bread together and everyone watched as Peetah did almost all the work, Meadow just put the fairy sprinkles on it since she wanted it to be kinda like fairy bread, she also frosted it and we all enjoyed a slice of it.
"Time to blast music now! What song should we play first?" Midnight asked
Masked raised their hand shyly "Mask by Dream?" They asked
"Liv gets to choose! I have no say in this" Midnight replied
"Sure! Then we play the friends we made" I replied, Masked danced to the song which I didn't expect to happen but I guess this song got them more comfortable to dance all of a sudden. Dragon, Angel, Jake and everyone else also danced along to the song, Angel and Jake danced together, Me and Russo danced together, Dragon and Masked danced together (not shipping them don't worry it's platonic!)
Sabrina and Dj danced together- Peetah and Meadow danced together but after that song was the friends we made.
Which was gonna get interesting since me and Russo started singing it together while everyone else danced together.
Suddenly Evil Liv came through "oh I just came to wish you a happy 100 followers! And I crash parties so hope you don't mind- I also brought JP- hahahaha!" Evil Liv said
"Well as long as he doesn't cause any trouble he's fine to stay!" Russo exclaimed, kissing me after the song was over and pulling me into an embrace.
"Oh lovebirds~" JP replied, kissing Evil Liv, without his hood on (which imagine all you like who it actually is under that hood!)
"You two are lovebirds too! I ship you two so hard!" I laugh while saying that of all things, they both blush and I blush at Russo.
Jake and Angel kiss as well and Angel's wings wrap around him.
"Ew love- I don't hate it but uh- I just hate physical affection" Meadow replied to all that was going on.
"Same to be honest but I don't mind it at all from JP!" Evil Liv replied, closing the door behind her as everyone else welcomed her and JP to the party.
"Thank gosh Daybreak wasn't invited! He is a party crasher but he doesn't know about this party at least!" Midnight replied, as the party went on it got later and later and we had fun like so much fun doing the activities that it was gonna be hard in the morning as well!
Dragon fell asleep by herself
All the lovebirds fell asleep on each other
Masked fell asleep on the corner.
And everyone else I didn't mention went home or fell asleep somewhere until the morning.
(Also sorry if your oc/persona isn't in here much or at all I just didn't wanna bother with my motivation to write more~ anyways hope you enjoyed!)
Tags: HostAngel, MidnightF3line , -Golden_Rose- -SomeWeirdo-
(All I remember for users but the word count here is 1486!)

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