𝟢𝟤𝟩. 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗇

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𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗇 !

MADELYN JENSEN THOUGHT she knew what pain felt like. She thought she had been feeling it ever since Jeff and Hannah passed. This was more, though. This was more than pain itself. It was like being drowned and never being given air. All she felt was betrayal, and it broke her. Especially since she was feeling it at the hands of someone she loved dearly. Someone who promised to never hurt her and never let her down. Justin Foley, however, did both.

It was like nothing she could have ever imagined. It was torture, the way it burned her, the way it infuriated her, the way it made her want to crumble up in her bed sheets and never see anyone again. The way she wanted to do exactly what Hannah did.

Maddie never understood Hannah's decision. For the longest time she thought she was selfish for breaking everyone that had ever loved her. Except now that Madelyn Jensen was broken into a million different pieces, she understood it, and she felt it. Like third degree burns all over her skin. Like the raging fire that grew inside of her. Like the churning in her stomach.

That night, when Maddie returned to her home, it felt like her world had come crashing down. Now that she woke up the next morning, it felt exactly the same.

Clay had come barging into her room that morning, upon realizing his sister hadn't been seen since last night. "Maddie?" he questioned.

Maddie rested motionless under the pile of covers that made up her bed. The girl had dried tear streaks dried on her cheeks upon crying herself to sleep that night.

Clay popped his head in before his eyes softened at the sight. He made his way over, sitting on the foot of her bed. "Maddie?" he asked again, this time shaking her ever so slightly.

Maddie gazed up at him before she broke down again.

Clay started to worry. "Maddie, hey, what's going on?" he asked.

Maddie sat up as she wiped her tears. The moment she looked him in the eye, it clicked inside Clay's mind. "Maddie..."

The girl broke down at the sound of her name, causing Clay to wrap his arms around her into a warm, tight hug.

Clay stayed like that in Maddie's room with her in his arms for just about as long as he could. Long enough until Maddie had to get ready for school.

Going to school was the last thing Maddie wanted to do that day, but in the midst of the Baker trial, she knew not going would be a very bad look.

After Maddie's fifth breakdown that morning, she fixed herself up one last time before she travelled down the stairs, just in time to see her mother closing the front door.

𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐄, justin foley ¹Where stories live. Discover now