1 - Reflection And Restart

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Authors note - Hi guys, I'm finally back to writing on Wattpad and I'm already excited to publish this and especially write it. It's been quite some years ever since I published my last stories, so I just hope that I didn't forget how to write during all these years!

With that said, I wish y'all so much fun reading my story and hope that you'll have a unique experience. I'm always open for ideas and critic! Also, english isn't my first language, so feel free to correct me if there's any grammatical errors.

And now, enjoy!

Update: I believe that my writing actually enhances throughout the story, so I'd love you to give it a chance! Ty besties 🫶🏻


Everything feels surreal - really everything does. I sometimes relive the feelings I had throughout the last year. The pain, the agony, then the relief and in the end, there's even enjoyment. The absence of regrets sometimes made me worry throughout the summer break. I've been warned so many times and still, I felt more alive than ever before. I finally felt like the person I was meant to be. Not the one who everyone always wanted me to be, just me.

I might not be proud about what I did, but I simply did what I could do to save the ones that I love. While others would describe my actions as unforgivable, I describe them as necessarities to save my loved ones, who would've done the same for me. Just thinking about Sebastian, he would've done everything for the ones he loved, especially Anne. So I couldn't even bear the thought of not doing the same for him. He did so many things for me and I saw him as one of my closest friends now. I can't not be there for him after everything that he's done for me.

'I like having friends who are in my debt.' he once said, but we all knew it wasn't about that. He cared more than anyone else for all of his friends. He got himself in trouble so many times, just to get someone else closer to their goals. So how could I not return it to him? Not give my best for him? Ever since I was already in his 'debt'?

But ever since everything changed again, I felt like everything turned gray. Everything just became too ordinary, too regular and especially, too orderly. I tried to go back to my daily routine, but it seemed like everything was just off and not made for me. I felt like I couldn't be there for my friends. Especially after everything that happened.

I felt like me getting sorted into Slytherin was just yesterday. When thinking about it, I still remember my exact feelings and all the looks on everyone's faces. I felt so nervous, especially since I came way too late and almost missed the ceremony. I felt the eyes of all the students bruning onto me. When the hat finally made it's decision to sort me into Slytherin, I looked over to their table and saw them celebrating that another new student was to join their house. I already had the feeling that this year was going to be very different from all the years before and I was ready for that change.

I also remember meeting everyone for the first time after my first night. I still can't believe how things changed that fast. From talking about books and myths, to learning the unforgivables and taking lives with them.

Now, the time has come and the summer break is finally over. Thoughout the summer break I mostly had contact to Sebstian. I haven't heard from Ominis, which made me kind of worry. The last time I saw him was at our celebration after winning the house cup. I can't imagine what he's going through, ever since he lost the last person he truly trusted. Sebastian also hasn't heard from him, which actually didn't surprise, but worried me. I just can't imagine how he feels after reliving his trauma, but now with the person he trusted the most. I am just hopeful he is doing well enough.

Sebastian on the other hand is even more worried about him. He sent me several owls talking about how he's managing life as he is alone too. He tried reaching out to Ominis several times, but no success. Same goes with Anne. I adviced him to be patient with her, ever since I can imagine that she needs her time after almost losing her twin entirely.

But now, I was on my way to return to school, travelling from London. I was about to maybe get some answers to all of my questions and unrathel, if my worries were reasonable.

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