10 - Mysteries and Miracles

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Sebastian's POV

"Fuck it." and after that, I turn off all of my thoughts and worries. I just need to take that risk and hope, that I don't make a mistake. Is this worth risking our friendship? Do I misinterpret things?

But it just feels so right. Her lips on mine, that's all I wanted ever since I returned from summer break and all of that just came to realization. I wonder what's going on inside her head. Does she enjoy this? Is she shocked? Wait, does she even want this? Am I making a mistake? Too many questions at the same time, I just can't do this. I shouldn't have done this, so I decide to stop.

I look into her eyes and now I start to believe I shouldn't have stopped to kiss her. Her eyes look deep into mine, as if she's asking me to continue, but I just can't risk it. Do I even know how to interpret signs? Ever since this feels like a chain of misinterpretations. Her stares, her body language, the way she talks to me, was I misinterpreting all of that? Did she ever try and flirt with me? Or was that just my head, telling me all of that, because deep inside of me, I want it to be true?

I have to go. Now.

I storm out of the Undercroft. I literally have been hiding there after returning from Hogsmeade, almost bumping into her on my way there. I have been hiding from her on my way back as well, as if I am a 1st year, hiding from a crush and giggling while doing so. The only difference was the lack of giggling. Still, it was childish. But I couldn't help it.

When I finally return to the Slytherin common room, I see a dark figure emerging from the girl's dormitories. Even with a hint of light, I do not recognize the person behind the figure, all I see is it vanishing quickly into the shadows. I don't think too much about it, since Slytherin students are known to smuggle students from other houses to their dormitories.

The rest of the night I lay in bed. Thinking about everything and anything that happened. Did I make a mistake? I just hope I didn't ruin our friendship with that. But in the end, I must say I enjoyed it. And deep inside of me, I know that I want to feel all the sparks I felt in that moment again. I never felt like that before and I want to feel it again. I am addicted. To her.


Y/n's POV

A cold breeze wakes me up. I don't quite remember how I made it back to the common room and girl's dormitories, but here I am. I stretch my arms and slowly stand up, still trying to realize what happened last night. And still not understanding why'd he stop. After a night of sleep, although it might've not been the best sleep I ever had, I am certain that I am finally aware of what I'm thinking. I need him. And I need that feeling again. I just don't know how to tell him. And I don't know what that makes us. What are we?

I woke up quite early, so the breakfast didn't end yet. I decide to head to the great hall, to not start the day hungry. On the entire way, I can't take my thoughts off of what happened last night. Every attempt to distract my thoughts fails and I always end up at the thought of us kissing in the dark, cold Undercroft, which was once used to practice spells and charms.

Another thought finally comes to my mind - the note. After a short debate in my head I decide that I need to talk to Ominis and Sebastian about it, no matter what happened yesterday. This won't be the most pleasant talk after yesterday, but at least something so we don't need to discuss what happened as the first topic.

Finally arriving in the great hall, I see Ominis and Sebastian talking while almost finishing their breakfast. I might be late, but at least I didn't miss the breakfast. I sit down in front of the two, Sebastian only giving me a short glance, before quickly looking down on his almost finished meal. I decide to look away as well.

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