8 - Golden Lights

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"Are you alright?" Sebastian asks while mustering me. He looks me up and down to see if I'm hurt. He still holds both of my arms while searching for a wound or even just a scratch.

"I'm alright." I tell him.

"Do you want to talk about what just happened?" he asks me sincere.

While summer break he wrote an entire letter about how dark magic destroyed his life and his connection to Anne, although he would do if again, when there was a different outcome. He just wanted his sister to be safe. Now I wanted him to be safe.

I shake my head, ever since I just wanted to have a nice evening and forget about what just happened. After last year and all the stories, talking and justifying, I for once wanted to just have somewhat of a nice evening. An evening, where I can just enjoy the company of a good friend and have some laughs, nothing more than that.

Sebastian nods, understanding. Others very well might have reacted otherwise, but due to Sebastian's last year, he won't be the judging type of person.

He lets his hands slide of my arms and looks around one last time, before pulling me on my wrist, to get me out of there.

His touch feels like burning my skin. I can't quite describe it, because that burn didn't feel bad. This is the first time we really have this much physical contact and I still felt like there were rockets going off in my stomach, given the situation we just were in. I somehow felt like I was narcissistic. I should be worried for his safety, instead of enjoying feeling of my own.

Another thought hit me. What were they talking about? Was it wrong to kill them, if they are after me? What will happen next?

Sebastian and I walk back out of the forest, him still holding onto my wrist and looking all around, to be ready if there are any other poachers or enemies. He seemed almost protective about me. Once I realized that, I felt even more intense feelings than before. It was a mixture of worry, excitement and- and- and what? What was that? I have never felt like this before.

Once we escape the darkness of the forbidden forest, he lets go if my wrist. I almost immediately miss his warmth and the feeling about his hand wrapped around my wrist. I somehow got used to his touch throughout this short of a time frame. I can't wait to feel it again. I can't understand what's going on inside my head at the moment, but I am certainly tired of hiding it from my very own mind. I guess I just need time to figure all of this out.

The rest of the way to Hogsmeade was rather silent. He glanced at me multiple times, always with a kind smile, which I at all times returned. I somewhat understand how that Ravenclaw girl at the Quidditch Try Outs just had to return his smile, but still, I felt like she had no right to do so. Bizarre.

Walking alongside Sebastian and not talking wasn't even awkward. With anyone else it would've been awkward, but his company just brought me peace and a feeling that was new to me. It felt like everything was just going to be good. As if I should not worry. As if I should just live the moment. Once again, bizarre.

Every time I glance at him, I adore his hair flying around from the slight wind, his smile, which is highlighted by the freckles that cover his face. By now the sun did set, so his eyes look mysteriously. They had a dark brown tone to them in the given light, which made me want to stare at them day and night. The memories of last year kept flashing before my eyes and every time I ask myself how those things didn't catch my eye before.

We finally reached Hogsmeade and it had a beautiful warm glow to it, made by the lanterns and the shop's lights. It remembered me of the sunset we just saw, but still, it was entirely different due to the dark blue sky that surrounded it. The contrast between the warm lights of the city and the cold color of the sky made it special.

Once we walk into Hogsmeade, my view wanders to Sebastian. He is also adoring his surroundings and looks around the village. His eyes wandering from light to light, then eventually to the sky and then his eyes meet mine. The brown of his eyes is completed by a golden shimmer of the reflecting lights of the lanterns.

"I like your smile." he finally breaks the silence. I did not notice when I began to smile. I instantly felt myself blushing.

We finally enter Three Broomsticks and sit down right at the bar.

"Look who's here for the first time this year. The girl who saved the wizarding world and her loyal companionship." Sirona said, as she walked up to us. "One round of butterbeer on me."

"Thanks Sirona." I tell her sincerely. "We've missed being here."

"Enjoy." she says as she opens up two butterbeer and slides them over to us. She really was an awesome person.

"So," Sebastian started. "What do you think the poachers wanted? And did you hear what they said before we went in?"

"Yes I did." I said in a worried tone. "And I somewhat believe that they talked about me."

"But what could they want to have that you possess?"

"I am not sure, maybe the ancient magic or the-" I stop there. I have not told him about all of the power I received right after I killed Ranrok. "Or the thing we need to talk about, when we're somewhere more private." I tell him. At first he looks confused, but fast enough that look changed into an understanding one. We trusted one another enough, to have the time to wait for answers. I had to wait several times for answers last year too, so now he had to do the same for me. But I didn't expect anything else than him understanding. He just nods his head right after I tell him that we need to be somewhere more secretive than Three Broomsticks, signaling me that he understand and accepts it.

I start focusing a figure in the background, which I noticed from when we arrived here. It was a boy, the same age we are. But not a student, he wears all black with just some part of a white shirt flashing behind his also black jacket. He stares at us intensely, as if he was after us. He had dark brown hair. Or no, it was actually black. The biggest contrast to his outfit are his eyes. He had bright blue eyes that stood out more than anything else. If I wouldn't know better, I'd say he stares right into my soul. A big scar decorates his face, running over his right cheek. It very much looks like as if it was magic induced.

"Are you really alright?" Sebastian once again asks. He is truly looking out for me.

"I'm alright Sebastian, I was just wondering, who-". As I once again glance past him, he was gone.


"I- I just think I need my bed at that point." I say, to not have Sebastian worry even more.

He looked at me with a confused look. "Sometimes I really can't figure you out, popular girl."

The Secrets Of Dark Wizardry [Sebastian Sallow x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now