4 - The Try Outs

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I decided that I did not want to join the Quidditch Team. At least not this year. I still go to the Try Outs, so that I can cheer for my friends.

"(Y/N)!" I hear a familiar voice shout in excitement. Right afterwards I am getting squeezed by Poppy. "I missed you so much!" she says in joy.

I turn around and give her a huge smile, before pulling her in for a big hug. Whenever Poppy enters the room, it seems to fill with joy and remove any worries or bad feelings. "I missed you too." I said while still hugging her. She makes me genuinely happy.

"Are you heading to the Try Outs? That's at least, where I am going. Let me guess, you'll sign up so everyone can cheer for our girl-wonder?" she asks and let out a slight giggle.

"Yes, I am currently heading there. But actually, no, I am not planning on signing up." I tell her with a gentle smile.

"What? Are you sure?" she asks as if she just once again heard that the Quidditch season was once again cancelled.

"I am, I believe I need to concentrate on actually learning and some more usual things this year." (As usual as it can get at Hogwarts.)

"As if learning was a subject of concern for someone who just saved the entire wizarding world!" she says with a sparkle in her eyes. She was truly happy to see me again. "But I guess you know what's best for you." she says in a still joyful tone, while squinting her eyes from smiling too much.

We head to the Quidditch field together and squeezed though the crowd of cheering students. Once we arrive I can see Garreth actually wanting to join the team. As it was his turn, he actually performed well. I had no doubt that he was going to make it. Although he must've learned and improved quite a bit, quite a lot actually, while being on summer break. I actually am impressed by his performance.

When I glance over the crowd, I spot Sebastian being there as well. He isn't alone. I look closer to see him actually talk to a girl from Ravenclaw. He is smiling at her and seems to enjoy talking to her. Wow, they look so stupid. As if she is trying to flirt with him. And him laughing and smiling while talking to her. How can he talk to some girl like that after everything.

Stop. What are these thoughts? Isn't he allowed to have a social life anymore after everything? We are friends and nothing else and I have other things to worry about, than this. (I am already worrying.) This is none of my business and I totally don't care. (I care.)

I had to take my mind somewhere else, so I continue to watch the Quidditch Try Outs. Imelda is trying to join the Slytherin Team and I must admit, she was doing quite good. She also was already good last year, but now she seems to also have improved. If I want to join next year, I clearly have to keep up this year.

Once the Try Outs are over, I go to congratulate Garreth for his excellent performance.

"So I guess, this is going better than inventing new potions." I say to gain Garreth's attention.

"Indeed." he says with an exhausted smile, heading towards me as soon as he sees me. He holds out his arms to go in for a hug, which I accept. His hair hangs loosely across his face, which I guess comes from all of the wind from flying. I must admit, that certainly is a new look to him.

"Where were you though? I did expect you to actually try and join the Quidditch Team as well? It was even a surprise to me, that I was there, but you didn't." he says after pulling away from the hug. His hands still placed on the sides of my arms.

"I guess I earned a well-deserved pause from adventures and actually deserved a chance at concentrating on school." I tell him.

"Too bad." he says. "I bet you would've been a great addition to the team. Maybe even as a seeker?"

"There will be another year to come and another Try Out with that. So we'll see another time, once I got my small vacation from everything." I tell him with a smile. "See you later at dinner?"

"Of course." he says and heads off.

As I look around I once again notice Sebastian. Still with the Ravenclaw girl. This time something is different though. As our eyes meet, I realize he must've looked at me for quite some time. Maybe while I was talking to Garreth? Another difference was, that his look wasn't as soft as when he was taking to the girl. He was almost like staring in a judgemental way. As soon as our eyes met, he quickly looked away though. As if he wasn't staring to begin with. What was going on inside your head, Sebastian?

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