9 - Hidden Messages

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Sebastian's POV

As soon as we return to Hogwarts, there are several new questions lingering in my mind. Did she really use Crucio after everything that happened? She saved me, but is she alright after using the Criciatus Curse? How harsh was her will to hurt the attacking poacher? And at last, why was she acting so off, is there something she did not tell me?

I sit on my bed in the boys dormitory, thinking about all there questions. Everyone else in here was already asleep, while I have so many things on my mind, which I cannot seem to figure out.

I am grateful for her saving me, but I am worried, ever since was the first time I ever saw her cast Crucio. And it just seemed like she mastered the spell and had straight intentions. Why didn't she just use her ancient magic in the first place?

But what am I thinking? She is the most intelligent and wise person I know and I trust her more than anyone, especially after everything that happened last year and while summer break. Something in my gut just tells me to trust her. So I decide to trust that feeling.


This entire evening truly was different to what I thought it was going to be. I lay on my bed and watch the ceiling. Who was that boy staring at me and why did he vanish after I noticed him? No more adventures was I wanted and now I am in this whole situation. Once again wondering what was going and probably about to once again, get involved into situations, I should not be involved with.

I think back and forth, trying to figure out if I had seen this boy before, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Had he something to do with what the poachers were taking about?

How can so many things just happen at an evening, which was once planned to be normal? I don't want to sleep alone. I don't want to be alone right now, but still I decide that I won't act on that feeling. I try to sleep, but my mind and all of the events of today, just wont let me.


2 weeks have passed ever since that evening happened and to be honest, I haven't had quite the confidence to talk to Sebastian like we usually did. Of course, we always greeted each other and smiled occasionally when meeting each other, but every time I saw him I remembered that evening and how I don't want to drag into things, in which I'm not even supposed to be in.

Another memory that came to my mind more often when seeing him, was when he pulled me in tightly to hug me. It wasn't just a hug, I felt so many feelings and felt like I could even feel his by the way he was holding me. His heart pounding, his head resting on mine, his-

"That's all for today, please don't forget to do your study on a constellation of your choice until next lesson!" Professor Shah says, slamming down her massive book, causing a loud bang that instantly pulls me away from my thoughts and back into reality.

I made my way to potions class, which at this point became one of my favorite classes. Before I could enter the room, I hear someone running up behind me. It was Garreth who tries catching up to me. I have quite the fast pace. He shoves himself in front of me to stop me from walking into the room. He leans one arm against the wall on my left side, facing me and trying to hide that he's breathing heavily, most likely from sprinting up to me. He gives me a flirty smile, but he had a flirty personality after all.

"Y/N, hey!" he says in a somewhat clumsy way, this whole situation most likely looking way cooler in his imagination than it does right now. Still, I kind of think of his clumsy and awkward way as something adorable. "So, uhm, will I see you at the first Quidditch match next week?"

I return his smile and tell him "Sure." in a soft voice, shrugging my shoulders in a polite way.

"Oh, brilliant!" he says, his smile now revealing his teeth. "Can't wait to see you there!" he continues, turning around afterwards and vanishing into the classroom. Right behind where he was, I notice Sebastian staring in my way. Now, that Garreth was gone, looking straight at me. His expression was a mixture of confusion and curiosity. I smile at him with a soft smile, but this time he doesn't return it.

I felt my heart drop to my stomach when he didn't return the smile. Did I do something wrong?

Throughout the lesson I could not concentrate on anything Professor Sharp tries to teach us. I just stare at Sebastian, hoping to get a look from him, but nothing. Garreth keeps talking about his newest creation and out of kindness, I listen and chuckle a few times, but I just couldn't concentrate on anything else than trying to get a reaction from Sebastian that might give me a slight hint of what the matter is.

As soon as the lesson ends, Sebastian is the first to leave the class room, not giving me the chance to actually talk to him.

I try and search him the rest of the day, but can't find him. Even Ominis doesn't know where he is, although their friendship has healed quite a bit within the last two weeks.

As soon as I give up, I decide to head towards the Undercroft for some alone time, ever since Sebastian wasn't there either, when I looked for him. I want to still fresh up some of my spells, although I most likely don't need to do so. It's mostly supposed to change my mind.

I climb through the entry to be surprised to see Sebastian leaning against a wall, holding a book in his hand. He looks rather bored at the text and my thought was soon to become verified.

He closes the book with one motion, throws his head back and sighs heavily. He turns and finally notices me, he seems to not have heard me coming in and walking a few steps towards him.

Once his eyes meet mine, he changes his rather exhausted facial expression to one that basically screamed 'What do you want?'. I slowly approach him, but he still stays the same.

"Where were you?" I ask him, trying to sound as neutral as possible.

"Weren't you busy with Weasley?" he asks, looking away from me, rather annoyed.

"Why would I be- ...Wait a minute. Are you jealous?" Sebastian Sallow? Jealous? Because of Garreth?

"No... Actually, yes. Or, I don't know. I just don't know." His expression now turns rather helpless. What did he mean by that? He just gave me every single outcome of an answer by that. "I- I just sometimes feel like- No, forget it, that's stupid."

"Sebastian... What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No, no. Or yes, maybe? It's just- I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice. Am I imagining all of that?"


"But I know what I've noticed, but then you just don't really talk to me after what happened. I- You know what?" he says and stops whatever he was doing, turning towards me. Not too far away. "Fuck it."

He takes one last step towards me, so now he is almost directly in front of me. Suddenly, he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him. He leans his head towards me and then - our lips meet. I melt into the kiss, finally realizing that this is all I wanted the entire time. This, and nothing else ever again. I can feel the warmth of his breath on my face and can feel his fingers gliding through my hair. I wanted this moment to never end, but I knew it had to.

Once he pulls away, we both look each other in the eyes, somewhat shocked of what just happened.

"I have to go." Sebastian suddenly says, grabbing his book and leaving me alone in the Undercroft. I stand here for a moment, trying to realize what just happened. Did he, Sebastian Sallow, just kiss me and then flee the scene, as if he's done a crime?

The entire way to the girls dormitory feels different. Everything does. I can't keep my mind from replaying that moment to the smallest detail. His scent, his taste, how he felt, all things I didn't think I'd discover today. But why did he leave? Why couldn't we do it again? I already miss it. Will it happen again? And if so, when? It feels like I was already addicted.

Once I arrive in my room, I notice an envelope on my bed. No hints to who the consignor was. I open it up and a short text appears.

They were indeed talking about you. I will get back to you. I am not you enemy.

- A. S.

Who was A. S.?

The Secrets Of Dark Wizardry [Sebastian Sallow x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now