2 - New Beginning

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TW: Use of alcohol and probably romanticising it

Whilst my time on the Hogwarts Express I have quite some spare time that I choose to spend alone so I could think. Ever since I took all of that power after my surreal fight with Ranrok, I feel different. Almost like a better version of myself. Maybe part of that is also at fault why I couldn't get back into my daily life routine. Also, I establish the thought that I just need to take it. It couldn't just stay there, underneath the school getting everyone at risk of the wrong person taking it. A person like Ranrok for example. That would be the absolute worst case. With me it was just safe. All throughout the summer I kept that secret safe to myself, just like I am supposed to. I made the right choice after all.

Arriving in Hogwarts, I walk straight to the great hall. My eyes wander around the room, until they meet with Sebastian's. I slightly smile and he returns a smile, although it almost seems like he's forcing it upon his lips. One can see all the pain and emotions we went through last year in his expression. My heart starts to pound a little as I start walking towards him. With every step I get a bit more excited to talk to him. I feel almost surprised by how excited I am. I didn't expect that.

"Hey, (Y/N)" he says in a soft voice as I sit down next to him.

"Hey, Sebastian" I say while quickly glancing at him. I take a second to calm myself a bit down and have a look around the room. "Anything new from Ominis?" I ask him.

"Quite the opposite of that. I have not even seen him anywhere around yet" he says while taking another quick look around the hall. And almost as if he heard that, Ominis enters the great hall. He sits down somewhere around the front of the bench and didn't give us any sort of attention while walking past us. His face doesn't show any emotion.

"Students!" a voice echoes around the hall and the chatter suddenly fades. It was Headmaster Black. "I'd like to greet you to a new year at Hogwarts and welcome to every new student, arriving in Hogwarts this year. I'd like to announce that after a year without Quidditch, I'm glad to announce that it finally returns to our school! We will start the sorting ceremony in a moment" he says and steps back.

The sorting ceremony is quite uneventful. We greet our new house members by applauding and introducing them to our table. Once the ceremony is over, we're allowed to go to our common room and make ourselves at home for another school year.

Sebastian and me decide to take things slow and walk behind the wave of students flooding into the common room.

"Well, how was your summer?" Sebastian asked me while walking next to me.

"Not too eventful, actually" I tell him as we sometimes bump into each other while walking. It's just now that I notice that he actually grew quite a bit. Quite a lot actually. "Anything new on your side?"

"Living alone isn't quite as fun as I imagined. Feldcroft doesn't feel the same ever since Anne is gone. It feels way less alive" he says while looking at the ground. "At least I'm here now with who seems to be the last person, who's actually still willing to be my friend" he says and looks up to me, letting out a slight smile.

"Well, I'm in no way less guilty than you, Sebastian" I say while returning his smile.

Upon arriving at the Sytherin common room, we hear loud music blasting in there. We look at each other and he gives me a confident smile. "But we're not here to just worry. Let's grab some butterbeers. It'd make you even guiltier if you denied that offer."

I nod and we enter the common room. There are many students dancing and having the time of their lives and I suddenly decide that this is a restart. This is a new year. This is not a year to waste because of the fate of the last year. It is one to live our lives and make the best of it.

Sebastian and I proceed through the crowd of students and I notice that some Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students were also there. I wonder how they got here, but do not worry about it, already living the motto that I just thought of.

"Wait here!" I shout, so that Sebstian could hear me. I further proceed through the crowd to get some butterbeer for the both of us. As I grab two bottles, I can see Ominis leaving to the boy's dorms already, clearly not in the mood to party.

My thoughts were suddenly stopped by a familiar voice shouting my name. I turn around and I am greeted by the only Gryffindor I see anywhere. Garreth it is, of course.

"How are you?" he asks with a bright smile on his face, which seems infectious.

"I'm great, how are you?" I reply smiling back at him.

"I am certainly, too! May I tell you that you look incredible? It seems like the summer treated you well."

I can't believe how wrong he is with that, but he's charming nevertheless and made me genuinely smile with his compliment.

"See you in potions then?" he asked as he might've guessed that I am on the run.

"Sure, Garreth" I tell him and proceed back through the crowd to get back to Sebastian.

"What took you so long?" Sebastian asks jokingly, as I hand him over his butterbeer. "You never even took so long to show up after I sent you an owl. Sometimes you were even faster than my owl could return."

"Don't boost your confidence with that, as you already have way too much of that" I taunt him as a joke.

"As if you don't like that" he says with a grin.

"No comment" I tell him while feeling like I am blushing a little.

The night continues and we have several more butterbeer, until I start to feel a little funny. I excuse myself to use the bathroom, where I then head to. Afterwards I just went straight to my dorm, forgetting that I actually wanted to return. On my way I saw Ominis. I shout his name, but he just looks at me and heads even faster to his dorm.

Due to the state I was in, I just went to bed and didn't think much about it. I just figured that I will talk to him the next day.

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