6 - Breakfast

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I wake up early today, so that I can actually attend breakfast as I promised. I felt great, although yesterday was quite long. At least I got everything done that I wanted to get done. I take a minute before standing up. I just needed a minute to let yesterday pass though my head.

When I get up, I braid my hair, dress myself and go to the common room. I look around the room, noticing some first years trying to see mermaids in the lake. I believe this rumor will never get old.

I head straight to the great hall to get some well deserved breakfast and see all of my friends I missed so dearly throughout summer break. Upon arrival I am perplex at the sight of Ominis and Sebastian actually sitting and eating together. The air between them still feels tense, but at least they seem to have spoken to each other about everything that happened last year. As Sebastian looks up after taking a sip from his juice, he noticed me watching them and waves me over to them. He has a soft smile and still looks quite a bit tired. I wonder how long he stayed in the Undercroft last night.

I walk over to them and sit down next to Sebastian. "Seems like you two talked?" I ask in a neutral tone, while pouring myself some juice.

"Obviously" Sebastian states firmly in between taking bites of his food. "How has your night been?" he asks and turns his head to me, to fully give me his attention. I adore his soft smile and his overall expression.

I return the smile and answer "Better than during summer break, actually. I am glad to be back."

"I am glad to have you here, as well." What? That almost sounded flirtatious. But he had a flirty personality to everyone. Don't overthink.

"God, what's all that about?" Ominis said while rolling his eyes. I totally forgot he was around as well, ever since he didn't talk before. I can feel myself blushing as my attention gets pulled away from the conversation with Sebastian. But he was right, what was all that about?

"Mind going to Hogsmeade later to get some butterbeers at Three Broomsticks?" Sebastian asks both me and Ominis.

"I am actually not in the mood, Sebastian. Maybe another time, but after all I still need time." Ominis says. And I totally understand that. Ever since they must've just recently talked. "Also, I have to go now. I still have to get some books, which we need for today's lesson. So I'll see you later."

As soon as Ominis left, I can't contain my curiosity anymore. "So when did y'all talk and how did it go?" I ask Sebastian.

"Well, I was actually up early after staying up way too late, what was already to my surprise. The even bigger surprise was Ominis being awake as well and asking me if I had time to talk before going to get breakfast. And of course, I was ready to talk. In that conversation I had the chance to somewhat prove that I am truly sorry about what I have done. He told me that he will still need time to somewhat forgive me, what I can I can understand very well. But I am just glad to somewhat have my best friend back." he explains. I can't even imagine what it feels like to lose your best friend of years, especially after everything that happened. I'd be truly happy if things could get somewhat like they were before.

"I am very happy for the two of you that you could finally talk." I tell him with a genuine smile.


Sebastian's POV

"You can't even believe how happy I actually am. It seems like this year actually will be a good year. Or at least I hope so. Maybe a year with less trouble than last year." I say and return her smile. I don't know what changed over the summer break, but her smile somehow makes me melt. I seem to notice it way more now. Was her smile always this beautiful?

But stop, I just said I need a less troublesome year, these thoughts weren't exactly what I needed. It is literally the last thing that's clever now. Falling in love? That'd be even more adventurous than any of the events of last year. (He was already falling hard.)

"Sebastian Sallow and a less troublesome year? Two things I never expected to hear in the same sentence." she says teasingly. I nudge her in the side, which makes her laugh. Wow. Stop it. It seems as I can really not stay away from trouble. (He truly can't.)

I noticed myself often looking at her while she was eating. He hair kept falling into her face and she kept on tugging it behind her hair. Merlin, I wish I could tug it behind her ear, each time it falls to the front. But that wouldn't be an appropriate thing for me to do. Friends. We are just friends. I tried concentrating on my food and my very own thoughts, but they just kept returning to her. And every so often I couldn't stop myself from having another glance at her.

"Is everything alright?" she asks, cocking her head to the side and looking at me with a confused look.

"Oh um, yes. Yes of course." I tell her and started to blush a little. I didn't want her to see me blush, so I quickly looked down to my plate. She keeps looking at me, I am almost certain she noticed me blushing. I just hoped that she didn't notice. "Oh, were you gonna come along to Three Broomsticks later though?" I quickly ask to change the subject. Also, I believe she didn't answer the last time I asked.

"Oh yeah, sure. Just us two?" she asks curiously.

"Think so." I tell her, realizing that it was just us two. I never minded her company, but this time I got a little nervous at the thought of it. It was really going to be just us two. Why on earth, was I nervous?

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