3 - Thoughtfulness

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The new day begins with me rolling out of bed, ever since I stayed up way too late on the previous night. As I look around the room, I notice that I am alone. It seems like I accidentally skipped breakfast.

You were not able to be woken up, so apologies, even though it is very much not my fault.

I read the note that I just found on the my night stand. I surely am hard to wake up, even if I don't stay up as late as I just did the previous day. It sometimes seemed like someone used a sleeping curse on me, so I understand that Imelda couldn't wake me up.

Potions class! I need to get ready! The thought almost hits me like a spell. I need to get ready immediately and rush to the classroom. I start running while actually still getting dressed, which ends up in me stumbling and almost falling several times.

Once I finally make it to the classroom, I try to sneakily get to my place, quite unsuccessful though. I can feel all the eyes around me literally burning me. Nobody is trying to hide the fact that they're staring at me.

"Ever since miss (Y/L/N) decided to finally join us, we may start now" Professor Sharp says while first focusing on me and later looking around the class. Today we we're brewing some Wiggenweld potions as a repetition in regards of this being or first class of the new year.

Ever since I already knew how to brew it and done it what felt like a thousand times, I got it quite fast and looked around the room. Sebastian was equally as fast as I was and our eyes met. He gave me a smile, which I returned. I really do like his smile, I just wish I could see it more often. I- I interrupt my thought. What was that all about? I mean, of course I like when he's happy, but that was different.

My inner monologue is interrupted by a loud bang coming from the table next to me. Of course, Garreth was the student at fault. Followed by the loud sound a smell of burned herbs followed, which I try to identify but fail to do so. By now, this was quite the normal occurrence. I am guessing he once again tricked a new student into getting some potion ingredients for him, so he could try and discover some great new potion.

The next class is Defence Against The Dark Arts. Once I arrive at the class, I see Ominis. I decide to got and talk to.

"Hey Ominis," I say. "I was wondering how you have been. I mean, I hope your summer-"

"Oh, how my summer was, (Y/N)?" he interrupts me mid-sentence. "It was brilliant. I could not imagine it getting any better than having no place to stay ever since I had no one left to be around. So it was without a doubt the greatest time of my life."

I was startled by him being this sarcastic. I mean I always knew he was sarcastic, but this was over the top. "Can we just talk later?" I ask him with a lowered and concerned voice.

"I don't quite get the point behind that." he continues. "But alright. I will be at the the Undercroft at 8, be there on time. I will not wait."

I nod (although he won't see it) and return to my seat (wondering why I nodded). I sit down next to Natty as Professor Hecat enters the classroom.

"Hello (Y/N), how was your summer?" Natty whispered as Professor Hecat started the lesson.

"Quite uneventful, actually." I answer. "I missed all of my friends, including you, though"

"Mind wanting to quit the chatter and follow the lesson?" Professor Hecat says, interrupting Natty and me. "Grand."

The class went by quite slowly, ever since we were once again repeating what we learned in the 5th year. One thing was different though. My eyes locked several times on Sebastian running his hand through his hair. It was, as if it was disturbing him constantly. Was it disturbing him? He also had a concentrated look on his face. He kept on tapping his quill onto his paper, sometimes writing something down. I followed every move he made, trying to guess what he was thinking. Was he really concentrated on the lesson? Or was he rather thinking about what happened last year and how things could go wrong so quickly? Merlin, I just hope that he is alright. He deserved much better.

These thoughts were quite new to me. It felt like I worried way more after everything that we have gone through last year. I once again can see and feel every moment clearly in my mind.

How he used Crucio on me, ever since I couldn't really mean it without the motivation of helping someone close.

How I used Imperio on Ominis, as he only wanted to save his best friend. I understand how he disliked me.

And how Sebastian used the worst of all Unforgivables, Avada Kedavra, on his uncle. While Anne could see all of what was happening.

After everything, I still wonder how we can all still be here. Things could be much worse, but I refuse to let the worse options cross my thoughts. Instead, I just accept the way everything works now and try to make the best of it.

My thoughts are interrupted by the end of the lesson and the noise of students rushing out of the room to go to the Quidditch try outs, which came way earlier this year after not happening last year.

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