5 - Making It Up

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The next and last plan for today is meeting up with Ominis, which actually made me quite nervous. He didn't seem too happy about me asking him if he'd want to talk things out. I can only imagine how upset he is, after we promised him over and over again to stop using dark magic and follow his advice.

As I arrive at the Undercroft, I take a deep breath in and out, before entering. I feel exceptionally nervous and anxious while just imagining how this will go. Once I enter I approach him. "Hey Ominis, I'm glad you're here." I really am glad, what didn't intervene with my feeling of anxiousness.

"Hello (Y/N). I hope you have a good reasoning for claiming my time." he says with a mix of neutrality and annoyance on his face.

"After all, I want to apologize. For everything that I-, we did. But what's even more important to me is to tell you, that Sebastian is truly regretting everything that happened. He had a horrible summer break and regrets not listening a bit better than ignoring all of your advice. After all, you are the one who's most experienced with unforgivable magic and curses." I let out a big sigh after that entire apology. It feels like a big burden finally fell from my chest. Although I am still tense about what he is going to answer.

"I still very am disappointed of the two of you. I can't imagine how you came to all of what happened. I forgave you for so many things, and still, you kept on doing the exact opposite of what you were supposed to.  I surely hope that you both are regretting what you did. Sebastian for sure deserves the feeling of regret, that he is currently going through, but as he already has lost Anne, I am willing to talk to him about everything that happened." he said in a serious tone. He seems to miss Sebastian as much as Sebastian misses him, else I can't explain myself on why he would give Sebastian a chance to talk to him about everything that happened. "And when it comes to you, I accept your apology, which does not mean that I will forget or forgive you for anything that happened. I just hope that you learned from everything that happened and I ask you to not motivate Sebastian into doing similar things, like those that happened. You saw how quickly things can go wrong when handling dark magic."

But he just did what was right for Anne. I would do the same for the people I love, if not even more. I think to myself, realizing that I don't quite agree with Ominis. Dark magic should be used once it's necessary and explainable. There are equally as bad spells, which aren't forbidden after all.

"Using the Unforgivables changes you. It changes your entire mind and the way you think and judge. It's almost as if it's addictive. Not a path for anyone of us to go down. Neither me, you, n'or Sebastian. Although he was already going down that path. I just hope he recovered and is able to think straight now. I can only beg you to overthink whenever it crosses your mind that dark magic is the solution to a problem that you're facing. It never is. Trust me" he says and sighs thoughtfully. He looks truly concerned.

"I believe Sebastian truly regrets going down that path, so I am glad that you decided to talk to him once again. I appreciate you accepting my apology and understand to the fullest, that you won't forget or forgive. Thank you, Ominis." I say, not mentioning what I just thought about. I am clear about my mind and don't feel a need to share my thoughts just now, after we talked for the first time of the school year.

"I am glad we talked, (Y/N). Don't let me regret this decision another time." he says and shakes his head. Before I get the chance to reply, he turns around and leaves the Undercroft. I decide to stay for a while and listen to my very own thoughts.

The Undercroft really always was a great hideout. Still, nobody else than Anne, Sebastian, Ominis and I knew about this place, so it was truly a safe space. The time really flew by and I had the chance to think about this very long day and everything that happened.

I still wonder what the deal was all about with Sebastian staring at me.

This thought gets interrupted by someone entering the Undercroft. I straighten myself up, while still sitting on the floor. I was almost laying down, which I didn't even notice, as sunken in thoughts as I was.

I am surprised to see Sebastian enter the Undercroft. (Or was I? His sleep schedule was never the best anyways. And mine was neither since I've met him.)

His eyes wander around the room, until he sees me. He looks a bit confused as he saw me in the Undercroft, alone. But his confusion quickly changed into a soft smile that decorated his lips. I really like his smile. I think once again. At this point I'm to tired to overthink my very own thoughts.

He walks up to me and sits down next to me in silence. We both Face into the room and look all around. My eyes skip from box to box, then eventually to one of the  flame pans hanging from the ceiling, on which I once exercised Confringo and at very last I look at the Triptychon, which still decorates the wall and reminds us of everything that happened last year.

"So," Sebastian finally speaks. "How come you didn't try and join the Quidditch Team?" Our legs are stretched out, knees even touching in that position. He seems just as tired as I am.

"You can't imagine how sick I am of hearing this question." I tell him, still with a soft and tired smile. I lean my head back against the wall, looking at the ceiling. "Why does everyone ask that question? Like, is it so unbelievable that I'm not that much of a sports person?"

"Not exactly that, but last year you were always the first person to go on another adventure or join every other school activity." he says, turning his head slightly towards me, to see my face at least a little. "Do I need to worry that you're getting to popular for me?" he says, imitating a slightly worried tone.

"Dunno, maybe?" I say teasingly.

He raises his eyebrows and laughs.

"What was that stare at the Quidditch field all about by the way?" I ask him, actually interested in what was going on.

"I can't quite follow. What stare?" he says with his cheeks blushing a little and him facing another way, instead of looking at me. I am guessing he does so that I can't see him blushing, for which it was already to late.

"I mean you had quite the flirt going on with that Ravenclaw girl, so I found it odd that you would concentrate on me, rather than on her." I say.

"Flirt? I still can't follow!"

"Oh, oh, sure. No staring and no flirt either, get it"

"Telling me I'm flirting while talking like that to Weasley" he mumbles so that I almost can't understand him. Did he just roll his eyes? "Why are you even still awake?" he quickly changes the subject.

"I could ask you the same." I answer. "But if I'm honest, today was quite the long day and I just stayed here to think for a while. Just some simple thoughts for me, myself and I." I decide to not tell him that I spoke to Ominis, ever since he will sooner or later get this information when Ominis decides to talk to him.

"Well, I'm guessing same goes for me." he says. I can really understand when he needs time to be by himself. So I decided to give him that time.

"I guess I'll go to sleep now though, see you tomorrow morning them. I will even be there for breakfast then." I promise him.

While walking out of the Undercroft he stops me with his words "Good night. And also, I haven't been flirting." I just quickly stop and smile to myself, before leaving the Undercroft and sneaking into bed, where I was supposed to be a few hours ago already.

I fall asleep with a sense of peace and happy about how things went today.

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