CHAPTER ONE: A new yet painful beginning

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A New Yet Painful Beginning

One fine morning a girl was sleeping in her room and was smiling in her dreams. Maybe she is watching a dream. Let's peek into her dream. 👇

(The girl was walking and jumping in excitement as it's her first day of college.

Girl : Yeppieee! Today's my first day of college. I am so happy. I will make a lot of new friends.

Suddenly she collided with a group of girls and got hurt on her legs.

Girl: Aah! I got hurt . It's paining like hell.

The group of girls helped her and everyone made her a part of her group. She was enjoying their company . Suddenly she heard someone calling her..... )

Girl 2 : ashuuuuu! Ashuuuuu wake up baccha Or else you will get late for your college.

Ashi realised she was in her dreams and woke up with a jerk.
Ashu :  Yes vaishu dii.. I'm up
(So girl and girl 2 are Ashi Singh and vaishnavi Singh ) .

Vaish: Good my cutipie.. Now go and get ready for your college. I am also getting ready. Let's meet downstairs for breakfast in 30 minutes.
Ashu : jii dida
Vaishu goes from her room.

Ashu : Hufff... The sad reality. I know this dream can't be true in real life. I can't get a true friend in my life. Everyone thinks I'm a nerd and I don't know how to enjoy my life. But they are wrong.. I also have my rights to live fully as I want. But the reality is bitter. Just like school people will bully me here in college too for my nerdy appearance. I can't even tell anyone at home about this because I know they will get upset listening to this. And my parents being over protective will take some major actions definitely which I don't want to happen. Ufff! Ashiii forget all this now .. Get ready for the college and to bear every torture. Come on get up. You can do this.

After this, she got ready for her college and went downstairs where her parents were waiting for her. They had breakfast and then she leave for her college with her dida.



( imagine ashi wearing specs and hairs in a messy bun giving a bit or nerdy appearance)

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( imagine ashi wearing specs and hairs in a messy bun giving a bit or nerdy appearance)



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Here's the first chapter guys. Hope you liked it. Do give honest suggestions about the chapter. Till then bbye take care. See ya in the next chapter ✨

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