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Hero grabbed a bag from his car, which held the gardening shears among other things.

The thing Basil so strongly desired.

Hero took the gardening shears from the bag, handing them to the small boy as if it were dangerous. In the hands of Basil they truly were.

Basil had it all planned out, not that there was much to plan. All he had to do was write a couple of sappy notes about how much he loved his friends and how it wasn't their fault, even though he knew deep down they would all blame themselves.

That was the easy part.

The hard part was actually doing it.

"Basil, I think I forgot something in my car." Hero told him.

A slight smile flickered across Basil's face, and he quickly nodded.

Hero left the garden to get it, leaving Basil alone.

Basil went into the house through the back door, and made his escape to the bathroom, locking the door. 

His breathing was quick with anticipation, excitement, and most of all, fear. He tried to steady himself, taking a deep breath in, and then slowly letting it out. After all, these were his last breaths, he had to make them worth something.

In a swift motion, he brought the gardening shears up, perfectly positioned to end his life, then faltered.

This was a permanent decision. Was he really about to make it so hasilty?


He brought the gardening shears up again, and this time, brought them down into his flesh.

Basil fell backwards with the impact, hitting the wall, and the pain was unbearable, but he was aware enough to know that if he stopped now, he wouldn't die.

He made a small whimper of pain as he moved the gardening shears up once again, and stabbed himself again. 

Tears welled in his eyes, the pain was blinding, and he could feel that blood was pouring from his chest. He was dizzy, the room was spinning, he felt nauseous, he was so close to death but he didn't stop now he wouldn't reach his final destination.

He stabbed himself again.

The life left his eyes as the blade reached his chest. 

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