1) ❤️ It's a Beautiful Day Outside

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Suddenly, the blinds were shoved aside and light flooded your bedroom. You had to squint as you rolled over, readjusting your head on your pillow to face the intruder. Your brother was by the window as he crossed his arms down at you. He seemed upset, but the smile on his face made it seem like he was more amused than anything else.

"Since when do you like to sleep in this late, bro?" Luigi asked with a small laugh. "Come on! We're going to be late meeting up with the princess!"

You tiredly watched your brother as he pulled out one of your shirts and overalls, placing them on top of your dresser. Luigi chuckled as he grabbed your signature hat from the floor and then tossed it onto your face.

"When you're finally ready to get going, you can find me outside," he stated. "I'll go get my kart ready!"

Luigi smiled and jogged out of the room to get ready, leaving you to roll out of bed on your own. Slowly, you shoved the covers away from your body, allowing the sunshine to start warming you up. As function began to come back to you, you took the hat your brother tossed at you and slipped it on.

It took a minute, but after you rolled out of bed you managed to toss on your clothes to at least look presentable. Casting a glance into a mirror propped on the inside of your closet, you looked yourself over as if approving your casual overalls and red undershirt.

It's-a you.


Seeming satisfied, you walked out of your bedroom and started into the hall. Luigi was already outside, so it was safe to assume that he had already made and eaten breakfast. It only took a moment of walking to reach the kitchen and confirm your suspicions. Luigi had left a nice plate of toast for you on the table.

The smell alone was enough to remind you that you didn't have breakfast yet. You walked over to the table and sat down, quickly snatching up and eating the toast as fast as you could stomach it. After all, your brother did say that you needed to rush.

It didn't take long before you were finally walking out the front door. Just as he said, Luigi was waiting for you just outside with his go-kart. Your bro turned and smiled at you, waving for you to hop on as he got into the driver's seat.

"Come on! We might be able to make it before Peach wonders where we are!" Luigi laughed.

You nodded to him and sat in the back, buckling yourself in as soon as you did. Luigi double-checked to make sure you both had everything and then started off down the old dirt path.

"Sure is nice and peaceful today. Right, bro?" Luigi commented. 

It wasn't long before you were both bouncing ever so slightly to the uneven ground that stretched through the woods, leading directly to Toad Town. Luigi hummed a cheerful tune as you gripped the edges of your seat in an effort to not fall off. 

"I hope it stays this nice for when the Princess's guest comes to the castle next week!" Luigi exclaimed. "But then again... after such an exciting trip, who's to say what it would make our little kingdom look like?"


Luigi continued to hum cheerfully as you drove into town. You watched as your brother waved at all of the townsfolk who recognized you. Toads waved excitedly, trying to call out to you as Luigi slowed the kart's pace down so no townsfolk could accidentally get hurt. Toads of all ages and spot colors looked thrilled to see you and your brother coming into the town, especially when it wasn't for a crisis-level threat.

Somehow, you knew that these people were mostly waving at you, but your brother was hardly deterred from cheerfully waving back to the Toads who didn't even notice him there at first.

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