6) ❤️ Toad Town

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Suddenly, just when you couldn't go any faster downhill, the projectiles stopped...

...and you hit the bottom.


As you came to, you found yourself lying on the ground in an all-to-familiar position. It was like deja vú from falling into this new world in the first place.

A brief flicker of hope passed through your mind, thinking that you might've woken up from whatever dream you were having. You were a tad disappointed when you looked up and found that you were still in the dark place with your weird new outfit. However, you couldn't complain too much because you managed to survive the fall!

You stood up and tilted your head back to get a good look at the cliff you just dropped from.

This may seem a tad odd, but that cliff seems to be the sort of place a lot of people might fall off of...

Deciding to keep moving forward, your next objective was to find where the man in green ended up. While there was a fifty-percent chance Mr.L ran off and left you, there was still a fifty-percent chance he might be unconscious after the fall.

Like it or not, Mr.L was more or less still your brother... or at least borrowing your brother's body.

Regardless, you wanted Luigi to stay safe and preferably remain in one piece.

With a tug to secure your hat, you began your trek once more. It didn't take long before you realized your surroundings were brand new - but still with a familiar feel. For the first time since you arrived, you seemed to have reached civilization! Or at least, you were currently traveling on a brick road that was beside what seemed like a large gated area.

Maybe there were some more people to meet nearby?

As soon as you neared the entrance to the gated community, you found Mr.L standing right by the open doors. He didn't seem to notice you at first as he looked inside, but he flinched and turned your way the second your boot kicked up a pebble and made a sound.

"Oh, you're not Game-Overed yet," Mr.L pointed out. "I guess that's fine."

The man in green turned back around to stare inside of the gates. If you didn't know any better, you would say that he looked perplexed. What could be so weird about the new area that made him ignore the chance to insult you some more?

Walking up to the open gates, you were met with a familiar sight.

There were mushrooms.

Mushroom-shaped homes, to be exact!

While these mushroom houses had a different color scheme to the ones you were used to seeing back home, they were all shaped like any normal hut from Toad Town. With black caps and blue spots on the mushroom abodes, it definitely stuck to the same "dark theme" that you've been seeing everywhere so far.

You watched the man in green as he strode into the dark mushroom town, observing what he was doing. Mr.L went up to one of the mushroom houses that had a picture of a bed on it, most likely trying to indicate that it was an Inn of some kind. However, when Mr.L tried the door, it was locked, and no one seemed to be around.

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