7) ❤️ The Legend

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"Wait, so, which is it?" Mr.L questioned.

"H-huh?" The Cloaked Figure paused, making the magical vision above their head vanish.

"You said 'a Legend of Hopes', 'a Legend of Dreams', 'a Legend of Light', and 'a Legend of Dark'," Mr.L listed, counting them all off on his fingers. "So, which is it? Can't be all FOUR, that's for sure."

The Cloaked Figure seemed to do a double-take as Mr.L crossed his arms, a triumphant smirk on his face. You couldn't help but let out a small sigh as the mystery figure tried to figure out a way to rebuttal. Mr.L simply watched with a smug grin, chuckling at how easily he messed with this person he practically just met.

"I-it just is, okay!? I-I didn't make it, th-the Ancients, they made it, and, well..." They awkwardly trailed off, averting their gaze while running a hand through their hair under the cloak.

Mr.L couldn't help but start cackling as the Cloaked Figure seemed to get flustered in embarrassment from being caught off guard. With a small huff, they regained their composure.

"Just listen to me! These are crucial things that can mean life or death to all worlds!" They pleaded.

The man in green eventually trailed off his laughter, wiping a fake tear away once he finally became silent. Letting out a small thankful sigh of relief, the Cloaked Figure lifted up their hands once again, showing off a magical display of a story.

"Once upon a time, a Legend was whispered amongst the pages..." The Cloaked Figure started again. "A Legend of Hopes... A Legend of Dreams... A prophecy of the Light and the Dark."

The symbol from before was shown to you once again, the symbol that you could only assume was important to their story, considering they now showed it to you both twice.

"This is the Legend... of DELTATOAD." They let out a breath as they moved their hands, changing the picture along with their story. "For millennia, Light and Dark have lived in balance,
bringing peace to the worlds..."

The image before you changed to a peaceful view of the Toad Town you just passed through.

"But if this balance was to shatter..." As if lightning struck the scene, the image changed to the lands around you catching fire. "...a terrible calamity would occur."

Even Mr.L seemed to get a little freaked out at the display the Cloaked Figure was giving. Mountains crumbled, rivers raged, lava burst from the ground, and it all began to turn to darkness. You had to look down at your feet once or twice to be sure that this was the same land they were referring to.

"The very fabric of the sky will go dark and rip in two... The pages that make up this land shall be shred to pieces... Then, when everything comes crashing down, this Book will turn her last page....."

The vision was now all black, nothing to be seen after the display of destruction. It was horrifying to imagine that this place that seemed to look so much like your own home could come crashing in on itself so soon.

You looked over your shoulder at Mr.L to see his reaction.

The man in green was horrified as well, if not even more so, but he hid it along with most of his face below his unruly bangs.

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