10) ❤️ Adventure START!

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Tippi happily followed along, humming a happy tune under her breath as you both walked at a brisk pace through the doorway. It was complete blackness at first, but something appeared on the horizon sooner rather than later. It was as if passing through The Great Door somehow transported you both to a brand new place...

This time, a place with trees! Or at least, they appeared to be trees. Everything nearby in the shape of a tree was not only a different color scheme than your normal green and brown, but they were also folded up origami! These three-dimensional red and black trees were almost enough to take you aback.

However, you've seen stranger things in just this morning alone, so the weird trees weren't enough to stop you.

Just in front of you two and the doorway that was now shut, you could see another one of those Stars glimmering in the midst of the trees. The scene was nice, honestly. With the red origami leaves carelessly floating in the wind and the Star to add a light in the center of it all, it painted a nice picture of this world. This thought made you smile as you walked up to and touched the Star.

Now that the door has been sealed behind you, it's time to look forward to a new adventure.

The power of adventure shines within you.

The Great Door - Saved!

Well, seems like the on-the-nose name of "The Great Door" was here to stay. It didn't exactly have a ring to it, as you've encountered many "great doors" in the past, but it'll do. After all, it's not like it'll be very important later.

Soon enough, you and Tippi were out of The Great Door's shadow and were on your way to start exploring. The red-topped trees formed almost a tunnel of sorts that led you two out to a field... A very large field, at that. The way the origami trees swayed in the slight wind with the red leaves decorating the dark-colored purple dirt below gave this place an almost mystical feel to it.

Seeing this field fills you with an overwhelming sense of HOPE to be able to fulfill your DREAMS... 

It fills you with DETERMINATION.

↳ currently playing: Field of Hopes and Dreams ~ ♪

You heard Tippi gasp and you turned to see her looking over everything in awe. Her reaction aligned with yours, however, you were confused about how Tippi could possibly be so shocked about this place. After all, didn't she live in this area?

"Wow... It's all so pretty," Tippi commented.

You watched as she kneeled down in the purple grass. Her smile practically shined through the shade cast over her face.

"I never imagined that fields like these would be just outside of my own home," Tippi said with a giggle.

As Tippi picked up a few of the red origami leaves to carefully inspect, you came to the realization that Tippi might've never been to this place. In fact, she was probably just as new to this area as you were! The idea made you a tad nervous. However, Tippi at least had a bit more experience than you in a place like this. She briefly explained it before, but you were certain that this world might play by an entirely different set of rules than what you're used to.

"Oh, Mario! Look!" Tippi exclaimed.

She shot up from where she sat on the purple grass and ran past you. You had to spin almost one-hundred-and-eighty degrees to see what Tippi could've possibly spotted. In all honesty, you were about ready to fight whatever Tippi found.

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