Chapter 2 - Task Force 141

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"L/n! Do you copy!?" My best friend was screaming over the mic. My vision was blurry and hearing was impaired by the bomb that just blew up my building. The enemies spotted me snipping.

"10-4, Jacobs, What's your insights? Am I safe to exit?" I started getting up, weak but still trying my best.

"Get to somewhere safe, I'll cover you." He spoke

"Copy that." I moved as fast as I could, grabbed my m19 pistol and my AK, turned my head light on and ran out. I quickly but cautiously ran out of the building as fast as I can to get to safety until further notice.

"L/n this is your last mission until you join Task Force 141, don't die now, love." Ah yes, Eddie Jacobs. My best friend. He's always has a slight crush on me. Cute but I see him more as a brother figure. I love him with all my heart though.

"Copy that Jacobs, don't think for a second Sergeant l/n is going to die, especially here." I gave out a chuckle.

"There's going to be a helicopter picking us up 100°, 87 meters from your location. Cover me and I'll come to you, we can head over together." He explained.

"Copy, On it."  As I pulled out my sniper to see if there were any enemies.

"Jacobs, on your left, injured but has a weapon, can you get him or should I?" Looking through my scope to see an injured man slumped over on a wall. Jacobs walks out and shoots him once and he's out.

"Nah, I got it m'lady." He gave a sweet tone to the last word he spoke. We finally met up in the same spot and used our compasses to determine where our helicopter would be landing. Since we still had about 15 minutes until it arrived, we hid in the bushes since we were instructed to abort from the mission.

"How about when we get home, we go on a date, go see a movie, ya' know?" Eddie said. I looked at him with a sweet but unsure smile.

"Eddie, you remind me too much of my brother, it would be weird to me. I don't like you like that. I'm sorry. I've told you think a million times. I don't mind the nicknames just don't overstep, okay?" I looked to the side then back him, he has a disappointed look on his face. I rested my hand on his, he looked up at me and gave me a smile.

After what it felt like forever, our helicopter finally arrived. When I get back to base, i'll be introduced to Task Force 141, I'll be working with my other dad. I'm ecstatic.

Eddie and I sat across from each other as the helicopter took off. It was going to be a long ride until we got back to base so I closed my eyes because of how much sleep I got the few nights before.

"Hey, Y/n wake up, we're back" Eddie says shaking me slightly. I blink a little and opened my eyes.

"Eddie, I think i'm injured from the bomb, my back is hurting pretty bad, could you take a look at it when we get inside?" I asked, worried about whether i'd be able to go with Task Force. Eddie nods his head and helps me up. I grab my gear and head to the gun room to turn in my weapons. 

"Alright, you want me to check your back for you?" Eddie looked at me with concern when we got back to my room.

"Yes, but hurry your not supposed to be in here." I said. Our base is pretty small, so the few troops we have here all have their own room. Females have to share showers with males but it'll do. I've been in worse situations. Eddie lifts the back of my shirt to see some scratches that needed to be cleaned that were hit with shrapnel from the explosion and some spots that were already bruised.

"Alright, this might hurt a little." Eddie took some alcohol and dabbed in on my wounds. I flinch a little because of the stinging pain each time it would go on each wound. He patches it up with some bandages and made sure I looked presentable.

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