Chapter 10 - Darling

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While I was writing the last part of this chapter, I was thinking of Eat Your Young by Hozier. JUST SAYING.


I didn't get much sleep last night. That damn nightmare I had just... nevermind. Today was call day! We get to make our phone calls home, finally. I get to call Eddie! Hopefully he's not mad at me.

I made my way to the call room and saw most of the Task Force is in here other than Soap. Ghost was sitting in the corner with his arms crossed. He kept his eyes on my when I walked in. I could feel his cold gaze on me as I walked across the room to greet Gaz after he got off the phone. After a few more minutes of talking, Gaz finally hung up.

"Hey, good morning!" I said to Gaz, giving him a big smile.

"Hey gorgeous! How'd you sleep?" Ha. Cute. Gaz started to embrace me in a tight hug. His arms were wrapped around my neck as my arms were wrapped around his waist.

"I slept okay, just a nightmare happened that's all." I spoke with a side smile, laughing it off.

"Oh, i'm so sorry you had a nightmare, Love. Is there anything I could do for you?" He asked taking me out of the hug but holding onto my waist as I held onto his arms. I didn't realize how intimate it looked.

"No, it's a common occurrence, i'll be okay." He assured him. He gave me a small, soft smile and walked away to sit in one of the chairs, as far away from Ghost as possible. I decided to dial in Eddie's number to give him a call first. I can call mom later.

"Hello?" The voice of the other side spoke.

"Eddie! How are yo-"

"Eddie, Who is that?" Someone in the background grunted. I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

"Uh- no one, i'll be back." He whispered so I wouldn't hear, but I did.

"Y/n? Why haven't you called me sooner? I thought you died in action already." He spoke worriedly.

"No- No Eddie, i'm not dead. I called because I wanted to apologize to you about not saying bye. I was rushed out of the base. And i'm sorry for not calling you sooner." I spoke with sorrow in my voice. An exhale could be heard through the phone.

"Look. I don't have time to be attached to you when you didn't even have the decency to give me a goodbye. I understand you were rushed out but you still could've waited." He sounded angry. I was apologizing, hell i'd do it to his face! I feel so incredibly awful now.

"Eddie, I told you i'm sorry, look when i'm on leave we can hang out, get some dinner and go to the movies, you know, like you said? Come o-"

"I'm not interested in doing any of that with you. But I will inform you that I am visiting your base next week when I go back. You'll see me then. Bye." He said obviously upset about what was said.

"Eddie plea-" The line dropped. Tears formed in my eyes. Why was he being like this? What the hell did I do wrong? All I did was not say bye but there was a reason and it wasn't my fault. My throat started to close up, it felt like I was breathing through a straw. I held my hand close to my throat and tears started to escape my eyes. I hurried as fast as my injured leg could go to my room. I broke down. Loud sobs could be heard from down the hallway. I clenched my hair in my fists and slid down the wall. I curled myself up into a ball and sobbed for a good couple minutes until footsteps enter my room. I assumed it would be Gaz, but no. It was Ghost. Great.

"What Ghost. Fucking WHAT." I yelled at him. He looked at me with... concerned eyes? He sat down beside me without saying one word and pulled me into his arms. At that point, I was hyperventilating from how bad I kept thinking about it. Who was he with? Would we ever be friends again? All these thoughts flew left and right and it wouldn't stop. Ghost took his hand and stroked my hair and tried his best to calm me down, and to my surprise it worked. As I calmed down, I started to hum the little song my brother hummed when my parents were fighting.

The Battle Field Phantoms (Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now