Chapter 13 - Get out

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Ghosts POV

I'm frozen. That shouldn't of happened. I'm stupid for thinking I could keep that from her until I was ready to give in and tell her.

Tell her everything.

Something about women's ways is they always have a man wrapped around their finger. They hypnotize a man. That's exactly what she did to me.

I'm under her spell.

I crave her more and more everyday. Now that she hates the sight of me or the sound of my name when it leaves a persons mouth. She can only cringe.

I want her to fall in love with my name.


I want her to have my name.


"Gaz! You bitch!" I yelled, slinging things off his desk. He flinches, not wanting to get hit.

"I'm sorry, I had to tell her."

"You lost her too!"

Gaz looked at me with eyes that represents a doll, glossy.

"I know. I fucking know, Ghost but she'd probably forgive me sooner if I told her the truth. You better think of something good to do." He spat. I clinched my fists, wanting to punch him. I wanted to make his stupid face stop talking. I pictured y/n in front of me with her beautiful eyes and silky hair. I want to hold her.

"Fine." I exit in a rush to plan what I should do.


I'm debating if I even want to try and get out of bed. My head is throbbing. I cried myself to sleep last night and woke up through the night just because I kept dreaming of him.

I've been way too emotional recently. My period is late and I should probably- Oh wait never mind.

But also that sucks.

Today is monday, worse days of the week. Tomorrow i'm going back to my first mission since my injury. My battle buddy of course is Gaz, which him and I aren't on good terms anymore. I think it's easier for me to forgive him though than it would be with... you know.

I don't even want to say his name.

I'm so foolish.

Eddie is arriving today, hopefully it goes good. Today is basically an off day to help Eddie out since he's staying here for about a week.

"l/n? You up?" Price knocks on my door three times.

"Yes, i'm decent come in." He enters.

"I... I heard what happened"


"Oh. From who?" I asked curiously. My stomach was tossing and turning, it feels like it has done a thousand loops. At the same time, I was furious about who told him about my personal business.

"König told me, it's pretty easy to get it out of him. Poor guy is so shy but he's a sweetheart." Price spoke readjusting his posture. I exhale. I was relieved that it was just König. Who knew what other story the others could've told Price.

"Don't worry, I'm going to give them 1000 push-ups and make them scrape the gum off the cafeteria tables." He said. I laughed at his response, his kindness is just like my dad when I was a kid. He always threatened if someone were to mess with me.

"Well, you better get up and get ready. Eddie is on his way last time I heard. You kids can have the day off." Price spoke again. I looked at my alarm clock and realized I slept in later than I wanted to. I quickly hopped up and grabbed my clothes out of the dresser.

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