Chapter 6 - Kiss

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I wake up from my sleep to find it was 0845. Shit, I slept in why didn't anyone wake me- oh. i'm injured. Right. Everyone is probably out doing a mission. Leaving me behind. Suddenly someone knocked at my door. A familiar masked face entered my room with a breakfast tray.

"Oh, your awake. Price made me stay behind to take care of you, ya know since we're partners." Ghost said looking down at the tray. He looked up at me then back at the tray and quickly handed the tray to me, insisting I should eat.

"Oh- I'm not hun-"

"I don't care. Eat." Ghost muttered. I hesitated from taking the food from him just in case he poisoned it.

"You didn't poison this, right? You already tried to kill me once." I said to Ghost. Ghost shook his head.

"No, but now that you give me that idea, i'll happily take it back." Ghost reached for the tray but I slapped his hand away and began eating the eggs. My mouth watered from how good the eggs were.

"Who made these?" I asked.

"I did." He deadpanned, looking around my room.

"These are so good. I haven't had eggs these good since my dad... anyway." I trailed off but tried to change the subject.

"Well I didn't really have a choice. Either you starved or I make you something. They wouldn't do shit." Ghost spat with a heavy accent.

"Aw you care about me, how sweet."

"Shut up, I need to clean your wound." Ghost kneeled down to unwrap the bandage. He has rubbing alcohol and new bandages sitting next to me on the bed. He kept looking up to make sure I wasn't in any discomfort. He was gentle, like he didn't want to break me.

"I'm sorry, this is going to hurt." He said as he put some rubbing alcohol on the wound. I winced from the stinging pain but got used to it as time passed.

"Do you know if you can walk on this leg any? I'm supposed to report back to Price how your doing with everything to see if you can be back on the battlefield sooner." Ghost asked. I thought about it, it wasn't a major injury like a broken bone, it was just a deep cut. It was sore but I didn't think much of it. It did tear some muscles so that might affect me more.

"I could try but I think it would just make me feel worse." I replied to his question as he finished up wrapping my injured leg. I could tell Ghost was focusing hard on what he was doing, trying not to mess up anything.

"Ghost, why are you helping me?" I asked him. He looked at me with the same glare he always has, but his eyes soften somewhat.

"Because, I know what I did to you at first was fucked up. And once again, your my partner." He said casually, walking away and putting the bandages in a drawers. "So, what happened to your dad? You said you haven't had eggs since him. What happened?" He asked. That question was one I was dreading for a long time.

"Well, He died in action. So did my older brother. It's just my mom and I." I said fiddling with my fingers, nervous at what he might say next.

"So why'd you join the military if it's just you and your mom? Don't you have to take care of her?" He asked another question that was hard to hit. I hesitated on answering the question but decided, fuck it.

"Well, I didn't really take care of myself to be completely honest. I was drinking a whole lot, partying, and hooking up with a lot of random guys. Sometimes i'd be gone for a couple days then show up randomly. Mom didn't have the heart to kick me out because she knew I wasn't healthy, so she called Price, which him and my dad were buddies for a long time. So that's how I ended up here." I explained to Ghost. He sat down next to me. Tears started to well up in my eyes from thinking about them.

"I- uh i'm sorry." I said in a quiet voice.

"You should get some rest, okay? Take you a nap and I'll ask Alejandro if you can get the showers to yourself tonight." Ghost reassured me as much as he could. I can tell he isn't the type to comfort people. That's okay, it's not everyone's specialty. Ghost made his way out and shut the door behind him. I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to be out there helping. I know Ghost does too. I feel awful that he's not out there and that it's my fault. Thinking about everything is making me want a drink. I've been sober for 3 years now, maybe one drink won't hurt. I got up carefully and hopped over to look in the drawers for the liquor they have here at this base, for some odd reasons, and started drinking. Maybe some more wouldn't hurt. I took another drink and another until it was all gone.

Ghosts POV

I heard a loud noise come from l/n room, She better not be trying to walk, she'll mess up her leg even more. I open the door to find y/n laying on the ground with a liquor bottle in her hand.

"Y/n what the fuck did you do?" I asked her dazed self.

"I just had a sip i'm okayyyyy" She slurred her words as she spoke.

"Alright yep, your drunk come on, let's go." I said as I started to lift her up. She fought back of course, trying to get out of my arms but I was too strong for her. I sat her down on her bed sitting next to her, she tried to slouch but I brought her back up.

"You smell good."

"Your drunk."

"Why do you hate me?" She looked at me in my eyes. I tried to hold eye contact with her.

"I don't." I replied.

"Then why try and kill me?" She looked at me with her beautiful e/c eyes. What are these feelings? I don't want to feel this way but I do. She started to lean in. I lift my balaclava just over my nose and kissed her. I was thirsty for her. She wouldn't remember this anyways. She tasted like alcohol. My thumb caressed her cheek as we kissed slowly. I then pulled away and stared back into those eyes again.

"You won't remember this. Just go to sleep okay? Take you a nice nap. I'll bring you some cold water so you can sober up." I told her. She nodded her head as I got up and walked out.


So he does like me. Of course I took a drink of some liquor, I wanted to test my theory. All I did was dump the rest out the window we have here. It surprised me when he lifted his mask up. He had a little bit of scruff and a sharp jawline. His lips were soft. Seeing him that vulnerable for a kiss is telling me something, that he feels a certain way about me. I just have to figure out how to get him to talk.

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and I immediately closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. The door opened and Ghost walked in with ice cold water. He sat it down on the table beside the bed. I felt him staring at me for a long amount of time. Then he walked out.

Ghosts POV

Her lips are so soft. Her eyes are beautiful. Her hair was messy but it a cute way.

I don't want to feel this way. I just have to get this bet over with.


1330 Words

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