Ring pop marriage M.S

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May 20th of 2010

It was the last day of first grade. A.k.a. we're turning into second graders! At the end of our fun day we got extra recess. The teachers played music over a really bad speaker and all of the soaking wet kids played around for the last time that year.


Jessie said as she ran up to me. She had a huge smile on her face and dragged me over to our signature table. She poured out her basket of sweets and candy.

"Ooo! Give me your ring pop and I'll give you my cookie!"

"Deal! Give me your Twix and I'll give you my Reeses!"

We traded our candy out and talked for the rest of our first grade.

"Did you tell Mikey that you like him?"

She squealed loudly.

"I told him I loved him!"

I smiled, happy for her.

"You still don't have a crush?"

I smirked and kept my head down. She gasped and shook my hands from across the table.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell meeee!"

I shook my head very fast.

"Heck no! Never ever am I saying who I like ever!"

She sighed and made a pouty face with puppy dog eyes.

"Pretty please? With a cherry on top?"

I crossed my arms and shook my head.

"Nope. Never in a million years!"

"Why nottttt?! I told you mine!"

I kept my voice low as I spoke.

"Because he's close! And it's embarrassing!"

She giggled and nodded.

"You won't see him for a billion days so just say you like him!"

"But what if he doesn't like me back?! I'd rather sit next to Jake all year in second grade!"

I smacked my hands against the table to show how serious I was. She knew because everyone hated Jake. He made really bad jokes and smelled really bad!

"Fine. But the next playdate we have you have to tell me!"

"Fine. But never say anything to anyone!"

"Five minutes left everyone! Let's finish it up!"

Both of us gasped and shot up.

"We have to go down the slide one last time!"

I nodded. The slide was the best part of the playground! I wouldn't see it for billions of days! We ran to the slide and slid down it at least 20 times. We sat on the ground, tired from running up and down the stairs.

"I'm going to miss you so much!"

"Me too!"

We hugged, grabbing our baskets and standing up to leave. Before we could, we were stopped.

"Just go!"

One boy pushed the other towards me. He sternly yelled at the other one then looked at me.

Uh oh.

"Hi Matt."

"Hi. Uhm, can I ask you something?"

I looked over to Jess who shrugged.

"Sure! What is it?"

He got down on one knee and pulled out a Ring Pop.

"Will you marry me?"

Jess gasped and squealed and nodded at me. I hesitated.

"Uhhh, ok!"

He smiled and put the ring on my finger. His brothers and Jess cheered for us both. We each blushed really bad as we were dragged behind the playset.

"Hurry! We have like 12 seconds of recess left!"

Jess ushered Nick towards us. We held hands as Nick spoke.

"Ok, Matt, do you take Macie Ray Taylor, to be your lovely wedded wife through bad and good, thick and thin, young to old?"

"I do."

Chris shook Matt and smiled proudly.

"And Macie, do you take Matthew Bernard Sturniolo to be your husband through bad and good, thick and thin, young to old?"

"Your middle name's Bernard?"

The other two brothers laughed as Matt blushed.

"Say I do!"

Jess whisper yelled to me.

"Oh yeah! I do!"

Everyone smiled, knowing what comes next.

"C'mon kiddos! We're leaving!"

Our teacher called from the building.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

Matt and I quickly leaned in, taking a quick kiss before we all ran to the building with the other kids.

"You have a husband!"

I blushed and giggled a little. I grabbed my backpack and ran inside with everyone else. We caught up with the triplets, I secretly held hands with Matt as we walked to the pickup lot.

"Promise to stay my wife forever and ever?"

"Pinky promise!"

We locked pinkies. He kissed my cheek one last time before leaving to his mom who was standing with his brothers. We both waved as he walked off.

A/n: I have too many loose ideas to let go. So I'm making this. AHSGAJGSGS

Zᴇɴᴏsʏɴᴇ  (𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now