Rumors M.S.

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I was running down the hall, trying to get to my math class when,


"Shit! Sorry!"

I yelled to the boy.

"It's whatever." He muttered. Rude ass.

I helped pick up our stuff and kept running. So unfair that they have me going to art then math which are on total opposite sides of the fucking school. It's my sophomore year at a brand new school in a whole new state and they didn't even bother showing me where my classes are. I followed a kid that had the same class as me. I remembered him from the previous day. We got there right when the bell rings and I whipped out my math textbook.

"Turn to page 83, do the assignment, and turn it in."

The teacher mumbled. I caught my breath as I flipped pages. Everyone quietly chatted amongst themselves. I looked around me just to familiarize myself with the people. I saw the same guy I bumped into whispering to the guy next to him.

Huh. Never noticed he was here too.

I guess they looked so similar I just couldn't tell. I watched as he sent a glare my way, then whispered to the guy next to him.

What. The. Fuck.

I sent a glare back and then "scratched" my eyebrows with my middle finger. He rolled his eyes and I smirked. I finished the worksheet quickly and turned it in. I scrolled on my phone while I waited for class to end.

POV switch

I watched as she turned her worksheet in. I looked at it and didn't understand a singular bit of it.

"I'll be back."

I mumbled to Chris. He hummed and just kept scrolling on TikTok. I walked over to the 'turn in basket' and took her worksheet. I copied off her answers so I wouldn't have to do anything. I let Chris copy off as well. I turned all three of them in and sat back down. If she wants to play games, let's fucking play.

POV switch

I looked up and saw the same guy walk up to turn both of their worksheets in. I saw a third and looked at the name up top. I saw my handwriting and dropped my jaw.

No fucking way!

I shook my head and started thinking about how I can get him back. The bell rings and I ran to lunch. I sat down with the few friends I made and started talking.

"What's up girl! How was your day?" Lila greeted.

"This is fucking bullshit!" I shrieked.

"Here we go." Jada sighed.

"Wait, slow down, let's debrief." Lila nodded for me to go on.

"I bumped into this asshole in the hallway and didn't really think anything of it, but when I went to math he was talking shit about me and then copied my fucking answers off my paper."


"Yes! Now I'm thinking of how I'm gonna get him back." I grumbled.

"Just put the wrong answers on your next assignment." Jada mumbled.

"Huh, thanks."


The next day in our math class, I grabbed two of our paper assignments and put all the wrong answers on the first one and the right ones on the second one. I watched as he started to copy all of my answers. He gave up midway and just erased my name off of mine and put his. I laughed as he let his friend copy. Right before class ended, I put my correct one inside.

Zᴇɴᴏsʏɴᴇ  (𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now