Taping my Conscience's mouth shut...

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---Adelaide's POV---

Nervous, Nervous, I was nervous. I do this for a living, at least trying to. I shouldn't be nervous. Pfft...Say that to my heart that was beating miles a minute. They'd be there. Liam, the boys. Because they were so famous they'd get the big table in the front... great. Absolutely perfect. I can do this. I was looking at myself in the mirror. I was dressed up. The dress was white and long and sleeveless. It was lace. It fit my curves well. My hair was curled and loose. I wore red lipstick and make up so that the light wouldn't make me look pale. I prayed I wouldn't sweat it off.

I peeked out of the curtain. The boys were there, wearing suits and ties. All looking handsome. Liam, Liam was there. My heart was fluttering. Hold yourself together woman! my selfconscious ordered. He has a girlfriend! I shook away my thoughts. I can do this.

I walked out. Everybody applauded welcoming me on stage.

"Hello Everybody" I waved but mainly spoke to one table in particular. to one boy in particular.

I was nervous. But I began singing a slow mellow  version of Whitney Houston's "How Will I know" (a/n yes like they did in glee. love that show)

"there's a boy, I know, he's the one I dream of...."

"looks into... my eyes... takes me to the clouds above"

I sang, looking occasionally at Liam. Every now and then I'd catch a glimpse of Harry. He was looking right at me. Why was he looking at me like that? I didn't know what was behind his gaze. Never before has someone looked at me like that. It made me nervous yet comfortable at the same time.

The backup singers were doing amazing. I felt very good of this performance. Everyone seemed impressed at my high notes and my whole performance in  general.

I performed four more songs. Each receiving loud applauses. When I would look at Liam, he'd either be looking at me... or glaring at Harry who was looking at me. That's wierd. Why would he be upset with Harry?

----Liam's POV---

I wanted to punch Harry. He just looked at Adelaide with a certain awe. He usually wanted girls for one thing. Adelaide was more than that! He doesn't deserve her. He'd only use her. What are you gonna do, ask her out? you can't, Danielle remember. My conscience basically kicked me in the gut with that one. He was right. I had Danielle. She was lovely. I still couldn't bare the thought of seeing Harry and Adelaide together. No. That can't happen.

After her performance, we caught up with Adelaide. The lads and I offered to treat her to a night out at a club nearby called Moonlight. We drove in two cars. Harry offered to drive one with Adelaide. I don't know what came over me but I quickly offered to go along. Keeping a close eye. Niall, Louis, and Zayn went in the other.

The club was quite fascinating. We all had our good share of drinks. The guys were partying on the dance floor when I noticed Adelaide walking up to me at our table.

"Could you take me home Liam? I'm kinda tired, would you mind?," she softly smiled, worried that I'd be mad for leaving early, I was not mad at all.

"Of course not love,"

"There's that word again," she shook her head but laughed, "thanks, I asked Harry but he was kinda not in the condition to drive. Louis said he'd drive them home." I nodded and walked with her out of the club.


The car ride home with Liam was amazing. We laughed at the dumbest things. He was so sweet. He's perfect. GIRLFRIEND! my conscience yelled. Oh, yeah, that's right. I frowned.

Walking to our rooms I heard Liam curse out loud.

"Shit! I left my key in the room, Niall has his but he's not here. Eh I'll wait in the lobby."

"Liam, You can wait in my room until they return. If you get sleepy, my couch is pretty cozy." He agreed. I unlocked my door and let him in. I handed him some blankets and a pillow, so that he could lay on the couch.

"I'm gonna shower real quick" I walked into the bathroom. Undressed and washed myself.

The hot water soothed me. Washed away all my worries as it usually did. Soon, I was done. I dressed quickly and blowdried my hair. Opening the door, I must have snagged the rug because  it scrunched up causing me to trip over it and fall between the doorway that led to the restroom and the hall. I'm pretty sure the floor underneath me heard the loud thud.

"A-are you okay?" Liam asked bending over to help me.

"Yeah I'm fine," I looked up at him. He was looking right into my eyes. I was growing weak as every second passed. His arm was holding me up, as I stood there gazing at him. I scanned his face. His lips looked so soft. Looking back up to his eyes I saw that he was looking right at my lips as he leaned in. What about--- I mentally taped my conscience's mouth shut. I wanted this. Our lips connected. softly at first. Then it grew to more... Much more.

(a/n ok so this is where it starts! Next chapter will be a little more... dirty if you will.

I'm not sure if again it's too detailed? not enough? long? too short? Comment. vote. read:) haha also I absolute LOVE Danielle. Liam and Danielle are so made for eachother. don't think I hate her cause I don't. It's just for the story. Anyways comment I wanna know if ya'll are happy with it so far? I'll speed it up if ya'll would like.)

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