white roses

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(a/n hey guys. Like I said, I'm gonna be updating alot this week since I have a whole week off. I know what you're thinking.... don't you have a life? YES I do! haha In fact, I went go kart racing today. There were these boys on the track, like highschoolers i'm guessing. And they were going super slow. and some of them didn't know the difference between the red being for stop/break and the green being the gas/go.  Anyways, somehow I got into a collision with 4 of the karts, me getting the worse end of the stick. I have a battle scar on my chin to prove it... haha more like a burn from the seat belt. Hey it still hurts. I pulled a Danica Patrick and was almost gonna walk over there and give them a piece of my mind. Stopped myself though. So here's another chapter... Enjoy:))

---Adelaide's POV---

I have been texting Liam all day. Occasionally, he would have to pause for a while because Danielle was close by him. This sucked. Not the texting Liam part, I loved that, but the Danielle being here... that there being a girlfriend in general.

From: Liam- Goodluck Adelaide, I know you can do it. I believe in you.

To: Liam- Thank you:) remember, Listen to the words carefully.

From: Liam- I will. Ugh I wish I could be with you right now.

To: Liam- you can just walk out and chose me....

From: Liam- You know I can't do that....

I rolled my eyes, He could if he really wanted to. He just didn't want to seem like a bad person by playing Danielle like this. Or maybe it was ME he was playing.

My performance was in a few minutes. Black skinny jeans, my black boots, and a silver shimmery slouchy shirt was what I was wearing. The song was too upbeat for a dress. My wavy brown hair was loose. It kind of had a mind of its own, It was sort of all over the place in a stylish was. Kind of like a girl version of Harry's hair.

 I was fidgeting. I was nervous. I couldn't screw this up. I needed this, My brother needed this. Pacing back and forth, I suddenly saw a familiar face, Harry. I instantly felt calmer. He had a suit on with his bow tie. He looked so handsome.

"Harry!" I yelled giving him a tight squeeze.

"Hello Kitten, these are for you." He handed me a bouquet of white roses. How did he know these were my favorite type or rose? lucky guess huh.

"Thank you sweety," I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. He blushed. Harry Styles blush? hmmm who woulda thunk it?

"You're welcome, boy, you shoulda seen Liam's face. I'm surprised he didn't turn into the hulk and smash my face in. What's with that guy?" My breath caught in my throat. I didn't want Harry to know THAT.

"I don't know. Anywa-" Suddenly Sam walked by, I had to give him some last minute instructions, "Hey Sam, Remember when I cue you by tucking my hair behind my ear, you walk in. and start singing .... 'You're my only so andso." He nodded in agreement. "Well I gotta put some last minute makeup. wish me luck" I turned and walked away from the two boys.

---Harry's POV---

I had another great idea. I looked at the boy named Sam,

"Sam, how would you like to make a few hundred bucks?" I smiled at him. He looked instantly interested.

(OK, this is gonna be a short chapter because, I'm kinda getting sleepy :p lol oh and the next chapter might be VERY long atleast I think so haha. It's gonna be mainly the song she's singing... Harry's offering Sam money for what? Hmmm you're gonna have to keep reading :0 haha)

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