Dinner (in public) with Liam

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---Liam's POV---

I asked Adelaide out for dinner. I'm finally able to be seen with her in public, so I was gonna go for it. I just finished a session at the gym, when I saw Harry. He had stationed himself by the boxing section. At the punching bag. Hitting the bag hard at that. I wanted to see what was up.

"You ok there lad?"

"What the hell do you think 'Lad', I'm peachy" he hit the bag hard with a combo. 

"what's eating you?" He looked at me angrily. I stepped back a bit, in case he wanted to use me as the bag.

"Everything, Adelaide just basically made a scene about Samantha." 

"do you blame her?"

"Just leave me alone Liam. You got her.... for now." He stopped and threw the gloves off to the side. He walked towards the showers without telling me goodbye. I walked out of the gym. I had a couple of hours to go until my DATE with Adelaide. I smiled at my thoughts.

---Adelaide's POV---

I had been practicing for my performance tomorrow since me and Niall had returned from the cafe. What he had told me earlier that day about Liam, reassured me about my song. It was about five in the afternoon now. I had to get ready for our dinner later. I ran up to my room, right when I was going to walk in, I heard a girl's voice.

"Bye Adelaide!" she came and wrapped her arms around me giving me a tight hug.

"Bye? where you going?" I asked trying to escape from her bear hug.

"I have a photoshoot in a couple of days, so I have to leave today in order to make it. Goodluck on your performance. I really wish we got  to know eachother more"

"thank you Samantha" 

"Oh and Adelaide," she whispered closer to me "Can you keep an eye out on Harry? I overheard him talking to Louis that he wasn't gonna give up on his 'Kitten' what ever that means" 

"Oh- umm"

"Yeah, he thought I was asleep. Just keep an eye out and text me if you get kinda suspicious" she handed me a piece of paper with her name and number. 

"okay, will do" I lied.

"Oh and in return, for doing me this favor I will let you in on a little secret," she inched even CLOSER to me, "Yesterday, when Liam carried you back to Niall's room,, when he exited the room... I heard him tell Zayn how much he cared about you, and that you were the best thing to happen to him. Don't let that kid go. He really has a thing for you." with that, she was on her way. Leaving me behind, shocked... yet smiling like a fool. I was the best thing to happen to him? 

I ran inside my room and showered. I had texted Liam, asking him what do I wear. He just replied with: "something special". hmph that wasn't much help. I put on some light make up and TRIED to tame my hair. It was somewhat manageable. That must mean the gods want me to be with Liam as well,  I joked to myself. I wore a black sleeveless dress, that was ruffly on the bottoms like a tutu, It had a coral ribbon wrapped around the waist, and my black high heels (pic on the side... hopefully haha).

It only took a few minutes until I heard a knock on the door. This time I knew better, and looked through the peephold. It was Liam. I opened the door smiling.

"you look handsome" I stated. He was wearing a grey vest and his grey pants with a white button up. (like in the video of One Thing:) )

"And you look GORGEOUS my Darling" I blushed. He grabbed my hand and we walked out. In the lobby I could already see all the papparazi in the doorway.

"Ready?" he asked me. I nodded. "just don't say anything no matter what ok? I've got you"

We walked out, and once again, the questions came flowing.

"So are ya'll dating?"

"Where's Harry?"

"Adelaide, we saw you with Niall this morning... what's going on there?"

We quickly got to the car. Liam opened the door for me and jogged around to enter the drivers seat. I was glad to be away from all the cameras.

Once in the restaraunt, me and Liam were seated right away. We sat across from eachother. He was so handsome when he laughed. I was getting butterflies just hearing him talk. We were joking around for a while. Having many laughs.

"So tell me something about yourself Liam, something I probably wouldn't know by looking at you"

"Well... let's see.... When I was young I invited my classmates to my birthday party-"

"Let me guess, you got freaked out about the clown and you've been afraid since?" I giggled.

"No... nobody came" my smiled dropped. Pang.. there goes my heart. 

"Nobody?" he shook his head. "Come on, I bet you were really popular in your school days."

"Actually, I took up boxing BECAUSE I got bullied alot." Pang Pang.... there goes my heart again.

"I'm so sorry Liam" I was beginning to tear up. I couldn't imagine anybody hurting this beautiful boy infront of me. 

"What about you? anybody ever pick on THEE MISS ADELAIDE" I looked down at my empty plate.

"Yeah... alot actually, They used to call me Miss Piggy, lardy, and other things... I wasn't the smallest in the class, so they found ways to pick on me." His smile dropped.  I continued explaining. "I took up singing so that I could focus on other things. That's where I began singing about what I feel. And ever since then, It kinda stuck to me. I lost a tinsy winsy bit of weight and here I am" 

"You're beautiful Adelaide. Don't let anybody tell you different"

"Twitter fans tend to tell me differently"

"If they call you fat, and other negative things then they're not fans and they are not worth your time" He was holding my hand now. I smiled at him telling him thank you.

"for what?" 

"For being so sweet to me, for being there when my da- john showed up. for still being there through the whole .... harry thing"

"Anytime darling, I'll be there". We finished with Dinner and walked out of the restaraunt. He was holding my hand tightly, not once letting go. I was smiling to myself. I had an amazing guy on my arm. A guy who'd always be there for me through thick and thin... My mind went back to the song I had chosen.. It definately fit now. 

Once at the hotel, we went back to Liam's room. This time we didn't have sex. We just layed in his bed, holding onto eachother. Talking about our past and memories we had about our childhood. We eventually fell asleep in eachothers arms.

That night I dreamt of a brown haired, brown eyed boy. 

(a/n Hey guys. I finally think I know how I want to end the story. I have been figuring out different ways to end it but none really seem fit. I kinda have a few Ideas. Don't worry though It won't end anytime soon... maybe haha I gotta just GO WITH THE FLOW lol thanks for reading:)



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