goodbyes and airplane rides

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---Adelaide's POV---

My last day was a blast. Aside from the whole Liam going back to Danielle. That part still stung. 

Right now, I was packing all of my stuff. My flight was in 3 hours. The boys had to do an interview. They were going to discuss the events of the tour so far. However, Niall demanded that he drop me off at the airport and catch up with the band later. Management agreed on this, as long as the rest of the boys went for the interview. 

I carried my suitcase outside of the hotel room. Outside, all of the boys were alligned side by side. I just looked at them.. and instantly teared up. 

"Don't cry babe" Louis hugged me tightly. "we'll see eachother again" I gave him a tight hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Walking over to the next boy... Zayn.

"Vas Happening? why the tears? We'll see you soon. maybe go on vacation together yeah?" I nodded and gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Harry was next. He wasn't really looking straight into my eyes.

"I'll miss you..." he whispered under his breath, but I still heard him. I gave him a tight hug...

"I'll never forget the times we had" I whispered in his ear. giving him a kiss on the cheek I whispered again, "thank you for everything." he hugged me back tightly. Next, was Liam... My heart was breaking yet beating hard at the same time. 

"Adelaide..." he looked down at me. I stared into his eyes for what seemed like forever... then I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a huge hug. "I'm sorry for everything..." 

"Don't be... You were my first close friend... from spaghetti dinners... to sleeping.. and not sleeping... I'll never forget," I whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek. 

"You ready Addy?" Niall asked me, grabbing my bags. I nodded to him. Walking towards the elevator, I looked back. All of the boys were looking at me sadly. I waved softly at them. they returned the gesture. Entering the elevator, Niall held my hand.,, giving me strength. 

"Thank you," I whispered.

"For what?" he asked gripping onto my hand.

"For listening to my boy problems... for making me feel special... for the event that happened at the beach.." He smiled and nodded, he knew I talking about the kiss.

We got to the airport in short time. It was actually a bad thing... that meant I was leaving alot sooner than I wished. 

"Passengers for FLIGHT 293 you are now able to board" the speaker on the intercom announced. I turned to Niall. He looked at me with the bright blue eyes.. behind them, I could tell was sadness. He was going to miss me... I was gonna miss him. 

"I love you Addy" he said giving me a big hug. As we pulled away he grabbed my face between both hands... and gave me a huge passionate kiss. I kissed back. Tears began streaming down my face. Niall had been by my side through all of my boy problems with Liam and Harry. And this whole time he was standing on the sidelines... loving me from afar. After a while, we pulled away from the kiss. Our foreheads resting on eachothers'. 

We hugged tightly one more time saying goodbye. As we pulled away, he held onto my hand. I looked back at him. 

"So who was it in the end? I swear I won't get upset... I just want to know.. Is it the green eyed cheeky one? or the brown eyed Serious one?" 

I smiled softly and shook my head, grabbing my bags, I walked towards the entry of the plane. Sitting on my seat, I nodded at the young girl who sat next to me. She was smiling hugely, I'm pretty sure she recognized me. Getting out my phone, I sent a quick text. Smiling to myself widely, as I pressed send. 

---Niall's POV---

I stared at Adelaide until she disappeared into the entrance. I stood there for a bit.. not knowing what to do next. After what seemed like forever I turned to walk away. Getting into the black Range Rover, my phone beeped, signalling that I had a text. Opening the message folder I smiled widely. It was from Adelaide. 

From: my angel<3- I always had a thing for the Blue eyed Irish man. Love you Niall.

***THE END***

(a/n OMG I feel so sad that this story is over! I hope you guys liked it. This was my first fanfic so I was still trying to get used to all this haha. Comment vote and tell me what you guys thought <3 I already have an Idea for my 2nd book. It's not a sequel to this one... but if you guys request it I can write a sequel... Won't be as long as this one but Yeah I am open for option:D anyways follow @MissKrystalPayn and If you want, Inbox me and I can give you my personal twitter:D

I dedicate this chapter to @KrystalLOL You truely inspired me to make it a Niall story in the end.. lol I love the ending and I hope you did as well . lol

thank you guys again<3

-Krystal ) 

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