[Chapter 14]

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I sit up as I stretch and Look over to where Zaiden was sleeping and notice he's gone. Again?? Really?? Why does he have to disappear every morning. Can't I just cuddle him a while before he leaves?? I lower my ears growling annoyed before getting up and walking out of Zaiden's room. I try to sneak to my room but I get seen by Mike who obviously has to say something as I turn to look at him. 'Oh my gods did you and Zaiden sleep together??' 'Yes, But not in that way!' 'You cannot tell me nothing happened between you two last night! I heard you in the music room-' Tannar walks over smacking Mike's head and giving him a dirty look. 'Nothing DID happen you dirty minded-' 'Alright alright! No need to fucking slap me! I was just excited for Zaiden-' 'Shut up Mike! No need to tell everybody!' Clide walks over due to the racket sipping coffee. 'You two shouldn't argue about what you don't know.' Mike and Tannar stare at Clide confused before staring at each other looking puzzled. I sigh taking this as a chance to get away so I sneak back to my room again. I go take a shower and when I get out I notice something in the mirror and I look over to see a mark on my Collar bone. I stare at it placing a hand on it before I start to panic. 'Fuck.. No no no.. Don't.. Don't tell me Nate marked me...' I go over to my closet grabbing a turtle neck pull over putting it on and making sure it's hidden. What if The others saw!? No fuck... I head back out of the room to go look for Andrea but run into Mike and the others again. 'Ash! Hold on can you settle the fucking argument please??' 'Clide your so childish leave him be- Hey.. Why did you hide the mark?' Mike questions as he's string at me making me flinch. 'I-.. I just.. I don't want.. Andrea to know yet..' 'Wait.. Mike you noticed a mark on Ash?' 'Yeah-' 'Why are you questioning why he's hiding it?' 'Because it's obviously an alpha mark.' 'I-.. I gotta go..' 'Hold on,' Clide stops me. 'Mike what makes you so sure?' 'I.. Dunno.' 'I-I'm just going to go find Zaiden..' I walk off before Clide gets the chance to stop me and I run over to him as he's sipping his coffee in the kitchen. 'Zaiden!' 'What? What happened?' He perks his ears up looking at me. 'Please.. Please tell me you marked me yesterday!' 'I-.. ' Zaiden moved his hand over to the neck of my shirt pulling it down and staring at the mark. 'That's.. not mine..' 'How didn't you see this yesterday??' 'I was pissed and distracted and when I got to see you clearer last night I guess It was just.. too dark maybe? I don't know..' Zaiden puts his hand on the mark and I pull away. 'I don't want to be marked by that asshole..!' 'Okay well-' 'Zaiden can't you just.. Mark over it or something??' 'No.. I can't but the council can remove it calm down..' 'They can??' 'Yeah, My dad and Xavier are on the council. Well they ARE the council leaders but you get my point.' Zaiden picks up his phone before calling someone. 'Hey dad I uh...' He goes silent for a moment. 'Dad, Dad! Now is not the time! I'll worry about that later, I need help with something. I'm on my way okay?' He goes quiet again before he sighs looking frustrated. 'Fine! Fine.. I'll cya soon.. Bye.' Zaiden hangs up the phone before looking over at me. 'Alright C'mon. Before the guys get suspicious and start asking questions. Especially Mike.' Zaiden leads me to his car as we get in and he starts driving us to who I'm guessing is his dad's house. When we get there I follow Zaiden to the front door hugging him as he places his arm around me. Kaiden opens the door staring at the two of us as Zaiden nods at him. 'Hey,' 'Hi.. what's.. going on?' Kaiden steps slightly aside as Zaiden and I head inside and into the living room. Zaiden pulls the collar of my turtleneck down And Kaiden stares at the mark for a moment. 'No fucking way..' 'What?' 'I recognize the mark is all.. You want it off I'm guessing.' 'Yeah..' Zaiden looks like he's turning red in the face as his dad looks at him and comes over to me putting a hand on the mark and I flinch back when it starts to burn. 'Just hold on a second, it'll be over soon. I guess I should have warned you it was going to hurt...' Kaiden adds before placing his hand back on the mark and I pull my ears back as it starts to burn. It's not too long before it stops though and I look over to see the mark is gone. I perk my ears up and wag my tail going over to hug Kaiden. 'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' Kaiden ruffles my hair Chuckling. 'You're welcome, kid.' I notice Zaiden smiling while staring at me. 'Feeling better?' 'Oh Shush!.. But yes I am..' Zaiden walks closer hugging me before whispering in my ear. 'I can give you a permanent one if you'd like..' 'No! Shut up! You're tainted!' 'So.. You don't want me to mark you?' Zaiden chuckles as I hug him. 'Shut up, You know I do just not.. right now..' 'I'm kidding. I know.. whenever you're ready..' I nod and look back up at him before I turn to stare at Kaiden. 'Sir.. didn't you say you recognized the mark..?' He nods before looking up at Zaiden and back down at me. 'Just.. Call me Kaiden.. And that mark belongs to a Nate right..?' 'How did you know..?' 'We had problems with him before, so He moved away to Castestile. I'm just wondering why he's back here. He knows he's in trouble already.' 'Because he's after Ash for some reason. He's obsessed and we don't know why.' 'Well..' Zaiden looks over at me looking confused. 'He's after me because I owe him..' 'Owe him..?' '..He's the one who got his friend to give me the Job remember..? Now they want payment for it.. And I don't mean money..' I pull my ears back. 'Well fuck them!' I perk my ears up looking up at Zaiden. 'You don't owe them shit, Especially after the 2 years of torture they put you through!' 'I-..' 'No Ash! That's not okay..! They fucking Brainwashed you. You don't owe them shit you understand??' 'Oh- Okay...' Zaiden grabs me pulling me into a hug and kisses my head. 'The world doesn't deserve you.. really it doesn't..' 'Okay!' Kaiden chips in. 'Now can we talk about-' 'Dad I swear to-' 'Don't cut me off! Go clean your fucking room.' 'I haven't lived here for the last 2 Years! Dad!' 'I don't care! I just noticed it and it should've been cleaned the day you left, so march your grown ass up there and clean that room! Before I treat you like a kid again and give you a reason to clean it! Be a fucking adult!' 'Damn it!' I laugh as Zaiden meanders off to go clean his room leaving me with Kaiden and I kinda stand there awkwardly. 'So.. You want coffee?' I turn to Kaiden nodding. 'Yes please si-.. Kaiden..' Kaiden sighs smiling at me before turning to walk off and make coffee and I follow him. 'So, What's it like to have Zaiden as a boyfriend? Anything I gotta scold him for?' 'Do you just want to scold him?' 'Maybe..' 'He's actually really sweet.. I would've never thought he could be till I met him in person..' 'Yeah, that's a common thing apparently. How did you two meet anyway?' 'Oh uhm.. He found me on my social platforms and saw my dancing..' 'I see..So he just contacted you randomly?' 'Yeah.. And I went to go meet him and for some reason I was really nervous so I hid behind a bush.. till Nora found me anyway..' 'Ah, So you've met Nora.' 'Yeah.. A really sweet puppy.' 'Not a puppy but I guess you do you. You know why she's around right..?' 'I just know she's basically a support animal for Zaiden cause of his past but.. I don't know much about it..' Kaiden sighs before mumbling something. 'He's going to have to talk to someone about that sooner or later..' 'About what..?' 'His past.. I can only assume he'll tell you when he's ready to but.. He trusts you so.. I know he will eventually.' 'Why is it bad that he hasn't told anybody about his past..?' 'Because.. He doesn't have his rut.. due to something in his past.. And if he talks about it-' 'He'll have his rut again..?' 'I see you at least paid attention in biology but uh.. Not again actually for the first time..' 'He.. He's never had his rut..?' 'Nope.. Only ever gotten sick..' 'I didn't even know..' 'It's only June, He's.. going to get sick in a couple days so..' 'I didn't know..' 'Well obviously. That's why I'm telling you.' 'Right- Damn it..' 'Who asked who first?' 'I- Well-.. Uhm.. We didn't really.. Ask...' 'Oh?' 'He kinda Kissed me... Which scared me... And later I kissed him back when I got the confidence.. Then we kinda just-' I stop staring at the coffee that's in front of my now before taking it to take a sip just to cover my face. Pillows work better.. 'I'm surprised.. He actually had the confidence to do that..' 'Wait- He what..? He doesn't have confidence..?' 'Nope.. He has almost Zero confidence most of the time.. But..' 'I think it might've been because I was having my heat..' I pull my ears back staring at the coffee And I hear Kaiden chuckle. 'Yep that'd trigger it. Zalius would be yelling at him.' 'Zalius-?' 'You don't have a mini wolf screaming at you in your head?' 'I-.. I guess I do I just.. Don't you just mean thoughts-?' 'Nope. Well technically, all I'm saying is, It's like the angel and demon on your shoulder thing.. but uh.. Way more complicated. Just don't listen to 'em.' 'I-..Alright then..' 'They can take over when you get angry enough of you shift to wolf form, if that defines it better..' ' Actually-' I think for a moment. 'Yeah it does. It'd explain why I become so confident when I'm pissed at someone.' 'There ya go-' 'Dad I swear! My room is NOT EVEN MESSY!' 'Yes it is!' 'Where!?' 'All your games were scattered on the floor.' 'What!? It wasn't like that when I left!' 'Maybe  it was Lizzy.' 'I doubt it.. But also.. It would make sense..' 'She was kinda pissed about you leaving.' 'Yeah..' Zaiden walks over hugging me and putting his head on my shoulder before him and his dad glare at each other. 'Also.. Zaiden. There's rumors going around about you being able to teleport..' 'Shit..' 'What did you do??' 'It- It was 2 times! I was trying to be careful but I couldn't find Ash so I kinda had to. Well... I guess I didn't but it was the safest option considering Ash's situation at the time.' 'I think you were just a bit too excited to punch someone in the face. Again.' 'I- Alright maybe a bit but he was lucky I didn't rip his throat out.' 'Did you hospitalize them or just get them arrested?' '.. A bit of both.' 'Zaiden.' 'I can't help it! Did you see what they did to him!?' 'I assume it was bad..' I take out my phone before looking for a picture before opening one of all my bruises from the 2 years I kept for in case I had to go to court or something. I hand it to Zaiden and he shows Kaiden. 'Good lord.. They really are fucking suck. Yeah never mind I'll deal with it I guess. Your panic is justified.. For now.' Zaiden hand me the phone back trying not to look at the picture as I close it and put the phone away hugging Zaiden before I notice his tail moving. 'Cute..' I mumble before his tail stops and stand up to stare at him. 'What??' 'Why did you stop wagging your tail!?' 'I- I dunno. I just don't usually wag it-..' 'Wag it! It's adorable! I like it!' 'I-.. What am I gonna do with you..?' Zaiden sighs leaning on the counter as he starts wagging his tail again and I hug him staring at it. 'At least someone is getting you to wag your tail more often.' 'Dad-' 'Just saying don't bite my head off-' 'Where's mom..?' 'Oh, She's somewhere in the city, trying to figure out which books to buy for her friend who apparently just had another kid.' 'You don't mean Julie do you??' Kaiden nods and Zaiden stares at him. 'Doesn't she have like 7 already!?' '6.. It's 7 now. She's a rabbit what do you expect?' 'Ohh boy... I feel sorry for the dad..' 'Because you ARE a dad.' 'So? It's justified.' 'Yeah exactly. Feel the pain.' 'I- Shush!' Kaiden laughs before I notice my phone ringing. "Incoming call from: Cookie Monster." 'Seriosuly? Who's Cookie Monster?' 'Andrea, she steals all the cookies before I can even get them in the oven.' 'I- You bake??' 'Yeah, I bake, sew, and do music and dancing..' 'I'll do the cooking if you do the baking.' 'Can't Clide bake too?' 'Yeah he can, But I wanna know what your stuff tastes like.' 'Alright-' I notice the call ended and it almost Immediately starts ringing again meaning it's serious. I excuse myself and go to the living room to answer it. 'Andrea what's-' 'Ash you gotta get home right fucking now!' 'Why what-' 'I mean it! I can't explain just get your ass over here!' 'At least give me the code-!' 'Fucking 49!' 'Oh my gods Okay I'm coming.' I hang up before heading back over to Zaiden. 'We gotta get home, there's kinda an emergency.' Zaiden sighs nodding before greeting his dad and we both head to the car as Zaiden driving us home. 'What's wrong? What's going on.' 'I don't know exactly what but.. The main problem is somebody is wounded.' 'What??' I don't know Andrea just said someone's hurt, like almost needing stitches Kinda hurt.' 'Fuck..' We get to the house nd both of us immediately run inside but nobody is there. We start looking around to find them and eventually find them outside by the pool. Lizzy is over at the pool messing with Malikai and Clide is Over by andrea but I can only see them from behind so I walk over to them before I notice Clide is trying to clean off Andrea's bloody hand. 'What the fuck happened!?' 'A fucking Dog tried hopping the fucking fence.' 'What? There was no fucking dog!' Clide argues 'It's a saying me and Ash have!' 'Who??' 'I don't fucking know, Some random ass guy just tried to break in I guess and he shot my damn hand while I stopped him.' 'With all the security-?' 'Yes, With all the security.' 'It's rare for someone to get in though I guess it's not completely impossible apparently.' 'Did they know they're breaking into a fucking Alpha base?' 'Alpha base-?' 'It's an example!' 'Alright alright-' Clide tries keeping Andrea's hand covered but It's bleeding through about 3 layers of covering. 'Can we quickly send someone to get the med kit??' I run off to go find it and when I get back I hand it to clide as he makes Andrea sit down and takes the layering of coverings off. 'What kind of fucking gun does he have!? That's a fucking huge wound!' 'No shit,' Clide starts stitching the wound before me and Andrea start talking in a language we invented as kids making everyone stare at us. 'Welp, that's new.. Alright.' Zaiden says before walking off to go check on Malikai and I start cussing Andrea out for not being careful. 'Can you two speak English?' Clide interrupts and Noah pitches in. 'Leave them be, It's probably a sibling thing.' It's not long before Clide is finished and he bandages the wound. 'That shattered a few bones you're going to have to go to the hospital for X-rays and shit.' 'Fine.' Andrea rolls her eyes before Clide sighs to go wash his hands of the blood so he can probably take her to the hospital. 'Let Mike take you to the hospital I'll go get him.' Noah chimes in before walking off. 'Andrea, are you thinking what I am-?' 'No fucking way in hell. She died-' 'What-? Who died??' Zaiden looks over at us. 'This is why we speak in tongues!' Me and Andrea parrot at the same time as Zaiden stares looking confused as hell. He's fucking adorable but this is not the time.. 'Andrea there's the fucking possibility she faked it-' 'She wouldn't do that!' 'What makes you think she wouldn't?? What kind of Crazy person would pull this kinda stunt just to shoot you in the hand and then leave??' 'Someone who had bigger plans and freaked out?' We start speaking in our language again so the others don't know what we're saying before Andrea sighs and Mike comes back with Noah. 'Alright, Come on Andrea.' Andrea Glares at me before leaving with Mike and I roll my eyes before taking out my phone to google something. I need to fucking find out who really just broke in..

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