Part 44

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Kaaya POV 

Aakil still didn't come back home and I was starting to get worried. I had to take care of the baby and it was a lot of effort to do myself. I also didn't want to name our daughter until both of us were present. I can't believe he just left me like that knowing that I am pregnant and his whole d*mn family was in severe danger. I love him, but sometimes he acts like a complete idiot. I am angry, but I am mostly hurt. This was supposed to be an important time for both of us and I can't believe that he didn't bother to even show. 

Focusing my attention my beautiful daughter in my lap, I realize how she is a perfect mix of both Aakil and me together. She is absolutely gorgeous and she already has Drika, her adoring aunt, wrapped around her finger. Jay was still recovering so he couldn't see my daughter yet, but I am sure he's going to adore her as well. It might be hard for not to be the baby of the family anymore though. Regardless, Aakil and I will always care for them both. Speaking of said man, I still don't where he is. I could feel my anger rising. A mate is supposed to be their other half regardless of what happens, especially important events like their child's birth. Shouldn't he be here to protect his family from Rehan? It seems as though he doesn't care at this point. As I continued pondering my thoughts, I could hear my new-born daughter crying for my attention. I sigh as I focusing on caring for her. 

Aakil POV 

After I was done rage-wrecking everything around me, I realized that I needed to get back to my mate as she is the only one who could completely calm me down. I decide to head back when I sense something is wrong and start bolting through the woods. 

As I reach our home, I hear a small voice crying which automatically triggers my protective instincts based on taking care of younger siblings. As I walk inside, I see my beautiful mate holding a something in small bundle of blankets. 

"I-is that...?" I ask hesitantly. 

"Yes, this is our daughter who I have yet to name since my mate wasn't here to support me." Kaaya snaps back at me in a snarky tone which I don't appreciate yet I understand why she is so upset with me. 

My face immediately contorts into guilt as I look back at her. "I am so sorry, my love. I shouldn't have left you during this important time especially since you were pregnant and in danger. I let my childish emotions get the best of me when I really should have talked to you." I sighed before continuing. "I just got angry when you said you weren't protecting; because to me you, are my whole life and I don't what I would have done without you. But I am still in the wrong. I am so sorry my beautiful mate." At the end of the speech, I found myself on my knees begging my little mate to forgive me. 

Kaaya put our child down in a crib I made myself from the woods and nature surrounding us and knelt to my level and hugged me. I felt so loved in this moment and I realized how important my mate is to me. 

"Aakil, you idiot, do you know how scared I was?!" I could sense my mate crying and continued to hug her both of us overwhelmed from emotions swimming through us. She pulled away from our hug first and ran over to our child. I felt my heart pounding as she approached me with the little bundle in her hands. This is my child. I looked at the bundle and pair of bright eyes stared up at me. I looked at Kaaya in shock as she attempted to give me our child. 

"This is our daughter. Be careful while holding her." She informed me of the child's gender. My daughter. My. Daughter. When I held her in my arms, I realized that in the moment I would do anything for her. She would be throughly protected and I would make sure nothing happens to her ever. Both my darling daughter and my beautiful mate. My family. 

I felt Kaaya chuckle and I looked at her curiously when I realized that I was holding our daughter quite awkwardly. Hey, its not my fault I am not used to holding babies. I give her a goofy smile and continue admiring my darling daughter. 

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