(Author's Note: There's been a long time skip between the time they did that and now.)
Over the course of the next couple of months, I continued working in the bakery shop with Liz, my manager, helping me. We ended up selling 5 donuts, a cake, and lots of muffins! Yum! I am so hungry. If Aakil wasn't with me right now, I think I would have fallen in love with food! I quickly take a cookie from one of the display stands and stuff in my mouth before putting a dollar in the cash register. It's absolutely delicious! I want another one, but we have to save some for the customers as well.
While I was working in the shop, Aakil went to take care of some business with his subjects and such. Ever since we had the conversation about my life as a human, Aakil seemed to oblige with my every wish including continuing to work in the bakery. He told me that he could provide everything for me, but if I wanted to work, I could.
As the end of the day approaches, I decide that I should head back to my hotel room. Aakil and I decided to continue to stay in the hotel room because according to Aakil, it was "nice and cozy *wink *wink*." As I am walking, my phone rings. It's my mom calling me. I pick up.
"Hello. Is this Kaaya?" Its not my mom who answers.
"Yes, who is this?" I ask tensely. Ever since our last phone call, I realized that my parents may not care for me as much as I thought they would. After I decided to live on my own in comfort of the woods, more like Aakil's protests, they have just been on many vacations. I suppose I shouldn't be too bothered since they were like this since I was young. Instead of having overprotective parents, I became the "overprotective daughter" as my mother described me in our last call. Was I bad daughter to make them ignore me like this? Or did something bad really happen? They may not love me as much I love them, but they are still my parents. All these thoughts run around my head as I wait for the voice to say something back.
"Are you aware that your family went on a cruise a few weeks ago?" He asks emotionlessly. Where was this going? They can't be...
"Yes, did something happen!?" I ask, in full panic mode right now.
"The cruise sank with 2,000 passengers aboard including your parents and sister." When he told me that sentence, I felt my heart stop. They died. He said something else on the phone, but I couldn't hear as I dropped my phone on the ground. Memories of parents, both good and bad, went through my head. In most of them, I had to take care of them, but there were times where they actually expressed their love for me. I was now the only member left in my family.
I fell down onto the grass unable to move. I hotel where Aakil and I stayed at was right from me, but I couldn't make myself go in. Suddenly, guilt filled me. It was all my fault. Did I not take care of them well? I could have stopped them from going onto the cruise..it's all my fault.
I sit down on the grass until I feel hands wrap around my shoulders. Assuming it to be Aakil, I let my tears stain his arm while he whispers sweet nothings to me.
"Baby, what happened?" Aakil asks softly as if to not scare me away.
"M-my family passed away on a c-cruise. It was all my fault!" I burst into tears once again as I think of the fun times that I had with my sister. I feel Aakil wrap his arms around me as I am curled up in a tiny ball. He doesn't say anything else, but just stays there. I get pulled onto his lap as he continues to rock me comfortably. Slowly, my eyes stop watering as I run out of tears. We just stay there under the - now - night sky, me sniffling and him holding me tight.
My eyes start to close as I dream of myself introducing Aakil to my parents. They smile and hold their hands looking at each other. My sister laughs with Aakil and makes jokes with him.

King of the Woods
RomanceHa. Mates? Like werewolf mates? I know about that. But, a monster's mate? A what? A possessive monster's mate? Ha ha. Ha. Crap. (Warning: Cringe Alert) _________________________ ****All images and videos belong to their rightful owners. I own n...