I don't what to do about this issue. Are all monsters like this? I see Drika, Aakil's sister walking down the hall and I practically jog up to her.
"Drika, wait up please!" I say, panting. God, I am out of shape.
"Oh hey Kaaya, what's up?" She says casually.
"Could-could you tell me more Aakil? I feel like lately is getting way too possessive. It's kind of suffocating to be honest. Why he is like this and is this like a long-term or short-term thing?" I practically sputter question after question.
"Kaaya, you have only known Aakil for a short period of time. You don't completely know everything about us yet. It's going to take time for you adjust and learn. Possessiveness is in our nature. We are almost 10 times more possessive than werewolves. And Aakil is the king so you can do the math to figure out how possessive he will be. And it's a short-term thing. He feels guilty that he couldn't protect you before so he is trying to make up for it. I recommend that you reassure him that you won't leave him to somewhat lower his degree of possessiveness."
"Thank you so much Drika!" I say gratefully.
"No problem. But, I gotta bounce now because I have some duties as the king's sister." She walks away.
I go to the 'backyard' behind Aakil's house. As I am walking around and exploring, I realize that today is my birthday. Hm. I guess it doesn't really matter anyway. I look at my phone and see texts from my parents wishing me a happy birthday. No one else said anything. My friends probably forgot. Honestly, I don't care at this point.
I would tell someone here, but I don't want to seem too conceited in front everyone. Instead I decide to sing a small happy birthday to myself.
"Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday to me.
Happy birthday, dear me.
Happy birthday to me..."
I hear shuffling in the woods around me. I turn around, but I don't see anyone. I face the front again and I see...Jay!
"Jay! Omg, you scared me! Wait, did you hear what I sang??" I ask frantically. What? I am an introverted person, I don't like people knowing random things about me.
"Yep!!! And you know Aakil is going to be so mad when he finds out. Why didn't you tell him sooner?" Jay chippers away.
"Well, I was kinda busy getting kidnapped to pay attention to it at the point. Well, it's ok. It's already too late. Let's not mention this again, shall we?" I ask eagerly.
Jay just smirks. "AAKILLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!" Oh that little...
He stops and we quiet down to hear if Aakil is anywhere nearby. Thankfully, he doesn't come.
Jay rolls his eyes and yells again. "AAAKKIIILLLLLL!!!!!!!!! KAAYA IS IN DANGER!!!!!!!" He screams for the whole world to hear. Suddenly, Aakil pops up behind me and lifts me up in his arms.
"Eek!!" I squeal in shock. I look up and see Aakil staring down at me, scanning me for any injuries. He then raises an eyebrow at Jay.
Jay smiles and says, "Kaaya's birthday is today." He then proceeds to run away, leaving me. Way to throw me under the bus.
Aakil's eyes widen and shift to mine. I nod slowly. To my surprise, all he says is, "Ok. It's too late to do something now. You should have told me sooner. Let's go inside now. I don't want you to get hurt."
Yep. He's definitely planning something. Also, I have to figure out when to tell him the kidnapping thing wasn't his fault.
Thank you for continuing to read my story, dear readers, who made it this far. <3

King of the Woods
RomanceHa. Mates? Like werewolf mates? I know about that. But, a monster's mate? A what? A possessive monster's mate? Ha ha. Ha. Crap. (Warning: Cringe Alert) _________________________ ****All images and videos belong to their rightful owners. I own n...