Lol. So I just realized that most stories have the main characters hating each other or something at first, but mine is like the opposite. The main characters basically fell in love and are hating each other now....and are falling in love again...Oh well...what's done, is done...... ;)
Btw: There might be some inappropriate thoughts of some of the characters. Please be mindful when reading.
Aakil POV
After getting out of the hospital, I made Kaaya do a lot of things for me including getting food and helping me with my stuff. Currently, we are both residing in her hotel room as I don't have any other place to go to. To be honest, these past few days have been, well, awkward. I am pretty sure she is annoyed at me too as I forced her to sleep on the chair in the corner and I took the bed. I want to apologize to her, but all that comes out are fake words of hate. I pretend to act arrogant in front of her when I all I want is a hug. I want to give her the world, but instead I feel like I am taking it away from her. Why is it so hard to get close to her? I guess it's because I don't think I am worthy of her.
I am more than sure we are mates at this point because of her reactions to me and the gradual increase of my feelings for her. I don't know how to cross this invisible barrier between us though. My feelings of possessiveness have intensified to the point where I feel like killing anyone who is near her. Some part of me knows that she will never forgive me though if I kill anyone for her. Right now, I need to focus on making myself better for her and working on fixing the Rehan wants Kaaya problem.
Kaaya POV
Currently, Aakil is sitting cross-legged on my bed looking at me in deep though. I clear my throat awkwardly. This is the fifth time I cleared my throat after Aakil refused to answer my question. I try again.
"So do you want to do something rather than sit on bed?" He looks at me questionably. His head tilts to the side so he looks like a puppy. I almost giggle at the cute look, but I remember our relationship status.
"Sure, why didn't you ask sooner?" He says arrogantly. I give him a hard stare and walk out the door. I hear him jump off the bed and follow me. I smirk a little to myself.
As we are walking outside, I try to leave him behind, taking long strides. Unfortunately, his stupid long legs and tentacles catch up with me in no time. I pout a little. Can't I get any wins? First, he basically raids my house. Second, he acts all arrogant like he owns the place. And third, he doesn't even leave me alone. I wouldn't mind the last part if he still loved me, but he doesn't even care for me! I did all I could. I am done!
Suddenly, a pair of tentacles tackle me and at first I think that it's Aakil, but I see him standing and glaring at the person who tackled me. I push myself and see Drika laughing at me.
"Dude! You look so funny falling down! Honestly, I didn't know you fell down so ungracefully." She starts snorting and I roll my eyes at her.
"Drika, what are you even doing here? Don't you have other stuff to do except bully the human?" I ask her playfully, but still annoyed.
"Hey! I don't always bully you! I was just having fu-AH!" Drika falls down as Jay flops on top of her, laughing.
I start laughing too. "Drika, you land just as ungracefully as I do! Look who's talking!" I start laughing harder when she glares at me. I take a side glance at Aakil and see him fighting a smile on his face.
Jay comes up to me and hugs me. "KAAAAAAAAAYYAAAA! I MISSSEEEDDDD YOUUUUUU!" She says an adorable baby voice. I can't resist the urge to pinch his cheeks and fangirl a little on how cute he is. He has a similar features to Aakil except his are cuter and and Aakil's are larger. No, not in the way! Wait, not only in that way. Suddenly, I blush at my inappropriate thoughts and mentally slap myself. What is wrong with me?

King of the Woods
RomanceHa. Mates? Like werewolf mates? I know about that. But, a monster's mate? A what? A possessive monster's mate? Ha ha. Ha. Crap. (Warning: Cringe Alert) _________________________ ****All images and videos belong to their rightful owners. I own n...