It 10:00 P.M. now. I basically did nothing, but wait for the surprise that Aakil may have planned because he was definitely up to something earlier. But, it's getting kinda late. Did he really not plan anything. I know I am not supposed to care, but a feel twinge of sadness in my heart.
I continue walking around until I decide I am tired and go to the house for bed. It's been a long, boring day. Suddenly, I am interrupted by shouting. I hear Jay's tiny voice screaming something.
He didn't finish the last of his sentence because I was already running outside to him. When I went outside, there was no light, so I couldn't see what the heck was happening. Now, I am scared..what if the guy who kidnapped is here again? Something wraps around my waist- it's definitely not a hand!
I turn around slowly and something touches my lips. My eyes widen as realize Aakil's lips are on mine. I don't react until I hesitantly respond back. We do that for another minute or 2 until I pull away. I look at him, eyes widened and just smirks. He then proceeds to whisper, "Look behind you..."
I look behind me and I see the most beautiful sight! There are lights strung all over the forest, making it seem like glow in the dark. Fireflies flutter around, giving the forest a more natural look. I honestly can't stop gaping at this scene in front of me! Just when I thought it couldn't better, Drika and Jay come out holding a humongous cake and balloons! I start to walk toward them, but I hear a growl behind me and an arm pulling me back.
"Aakil, it's ok..I am not leaving you ok? Look, we can hold hands and walk to them." I grab Aakil's hand and practically run toward them.
"Drika, Jay! Thank you so much for this!!! But, seriously, who told you guys be so extra!?" I say jokingly.
They both at Aakil and feel fireworks of love burst inside of me...
I slowly look at Aakil shyly and blush. "U-um t-thankyouAakil!" I say quickly. Wow, that's great- now I am nervous. I guess this is what true love feels like. Aakil looks intently at me and comes closer to kiss me...but he is interrupted by Drika clearing her through and Jay laughing. Aakil growls at them, but I slowly touch his arm as to calm down.
"How about we cut the cake now because it's getting late?" I change the subject. Jay jumps up and down, excited. The cake is placed on the table and the candles are lit.
"Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Kaaya!
Happy birthday to you!"
After everyone is done singing a blow at the candles we eat the cake. It may have been the best cake I ever tasted. After we are done, we head back inside where Drika helps Jay get to bed and Aakil brings me to my room. Yes, I still have my own room.
"Doyouwanttosleepwithme?" Aakil says really fast. I think he said do you want to sleep with me, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.
"U-um...what did you say?" I ask cautiously.
"You. me. sleep together?" He says uncertainly again. I don't know what to say.
"S-sleep t-t-together?!" I say nervously. His eyes widen.
"No!! Not that way! Like side by side!!" He quickly spurts out.
I blush and nod shyly. He grabs my hand and shoves me (gently) on the bed. He climbs on top of me and my face burns.
"W-what are you doing A-akil?" I ask him.
"No, no, no's Aniket now. Aakil has been hogging you the entire day. Now it's my turn to ravish you now." Aniket says.
My eyes widen. "I am not r-ready for t-that!! Aakil promised me!" I reply back nervously.
He shakes his head and laughs. "No, not that mate. When that happens, I assure you, I won't ask you. Instead, I got a present for you."
Aniket gets off of me and gives me a box wrapped in golden wrapping paper. I slowly open up the box and peek inside. I immediately close it and hide under the covers, blushing. Aniket starts laughing.
"Mate, did you not like the "sleepwear" I got you?" He asks with humor in his voice. That is not enough clothing to be considered sleepwear!!
I don't reply and instead hide under the covers. I try to scoot further away from him, but he just pushes me closer, with his arm around my waist and my back to his chest. I know I am supposed to be uncomfortable, but it just feels so natural...
I am out like a light.

King of the Woods
RomanceHa. Mates? Like werewolf mates? I know about that. But, a monster's mate? A what? A possessive monster's mate? Ha ha. Ha. Crap. (Warning: Cringe Alert) _________________________ ****All images and videos belong to their rightful owners. I own n...