I looked at my phone on the bed and Aakil looked confused. I had 3 bars! Woo! I looked Aakil and he seemed to watch my phone with a curious expression. "What? It's not like you haven't seen a phone before? Right?"
Aakil raised an eyebrow. My eyes widened. "Wait. Seriously? Do they not have phones he- right this is the woods..." My eyes brightened. This was going to be fun. "So this is a phone. You must have seen humans use before right?" Aakil chuckled a bit.
"Of course, when I kill them for trespassing, I see some of their strange..gadgets." Aakil's eyes were filled with bloodlust when he mentioned killing, but I decide to ignore for now, for my own safety.
I shift closer to him and show him my phone. "Ok, so even though I might be leaving here soon, I will grace you with some knowledge because no one should live in this world without knowing what a phone is!"
"Yeah, moving images in a device is basically what a phone is." I explained for the millionth time. He still seemed confused so I decided to show him a video or something. I take my phone and start scrolling through my videos and squeal when I find the right one.
"Ok. So don't judge me, but let me introduce to you a band from kpop!" I said excitedly. "Kpop? What is that?" "So kpop is basically a genre of music from korea. It is very popular in the..modern world!" I explain to him. "I am going to show you a video of one of my favorite songs and dancers.
The song is called 'Play with Me' by Cross Gene." I play the video. I can't stop blushing and giggling at them. Aakil's contorted into anger. His fists clench. Oh no...not again.
"Aakil! Please relax! They are only on the screen, they aren't here." I spent the next 10 minutes trying to console him. "Is this all you watch?" Aakil questions. "Um..no?"
I yawn after showing him more of my phone. I should get home, it's getting late. HOME! Mom and dad! I have to get back! I get up from the bed, while Aakil is half asleep. Quick as lightning, he is next to my side.
"Don't even think about leaving!" I feel tears prick my eyes. I just want to go home. I miss my parents.
"Please. I promise I will be back tomorrow! You are a very good...um..friend."
"Okay, how about you walk me back? You can even stay near the cabin my family is staying in, but you can't be seen by my parents..."
I didn't like the idea of him near my family, but what other choice did I have? He nods reluctantly. We start going outside. Crap, it's so dark! Wait, that vine took me here. I don't even know where I am or how to go back!
"Crap!!" Tears prick my eyes and I fall on my knees.
"I don't know how to get back." I tell Aakil sadly. He picks me up.
"Eeek! What are you doing?!"
"Kaaya, I can find the way back since the vine brought you here. But you have to close your eyes." I closed my eyes and felt cold air around us. I wrapped my around Aakil's neck and held tight.

King of the Woods
RomanceHa. Mates? Like werewolf mates? I know about that. But, a monster's mate? A what? A possessive monster's mate? Ha ha. Ha. Crap. (Warning: Cringe Alert) _________________________ ****All images and videos belong to their rightful owners. I own n...