So that just happened. Well some moments are just unforgettable. Today morning, I woke up late because of yesterday night's "activities." I look next to me and this guy is still next to me. I gently shove him since his arms are preventing me from moving. He doesn't move. That's it. I forcefully pull myself up and push Aakil on the floor.
Unfortunately, Aakil grabs me the process. Ah!!! We both tumble on the floor with me on top of him. Well that plan backfired. I am so done with life and everything.
"Way to act "kingly" Aakil..falling off the bed" I mutter under my breath. Thankfully, he didn't seem to hear me. I forcefully push off this bulk of a person off of me.
"Ok, you know what? Let's play rock paper scissors shoe! Out of 3! If I win, you listen to me the entire day, but if you win, I will listen to you. Deal?" I tell him, proud. Not trying to sound arrogant or anything, but I always win at this game because people usually follow some kind of pattern. It's all in what they put out first.
Aakil smirks. "What are you five or something? But, fine. Deal." I glare daggers at him.
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoe!" I pull out a rock and he pulls up scissors. Ha! Off to a great start here!
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoe!" This time he pulls paper and I pull up rock again. I frown and he starts smirking. Oh wow, now he's confident. You know what, he's probably going to pull up rock this time.
"Rock, paper, scissors, shoe!" Of course he pulls up scissors and me being me, I pull up paper to catch his supposed rock.
"Ugh! Ok fine. Just say what you want me to do." He smirks. I resist the urge to smack that smirk off his face. So annoying...
"Go on a date with me." He says all haughty.
"What?" I am so confused. That's what he want me to do?
"That's right. I have so "kingly" duties to work on so I will come pick you up at 7." I blush. Oops!
(Time Skip A Few Hours)
6:45. Oof! He's coming in 15 minutes. To be honest, I feel like his "order" was a waste of the deal. He could've asked me to do anything and chose this. To make it worse, he only gave me one thing! He could have given me 500 things to do. I suppose I should be grateful, but that doesn't mean that I would go that easy on him.
I finished putting on all my makeup and my dress an hour ago. Now, all I need to put on are my shoes. I chose a causal, but cute look for today. I hear someone ring the doorbell. I go downstairs and open the door.
"You do know it's your house, right?" I say, laughing about the fact that he actually rang the doorbell. He doesn't even understand what's funny.
"Isn't it customary to ring the doorbell to pick up a lady for a date though? I can't just walk in it. What if you weren't...decent?" He asks, confused. I raise my eyebrow, but let it slide.
"Ok, whatever. Let's just go." I say.
He wants to someplace better than a restaurant. But, I find it hard to believe since we are literally in the middle of the woods. I get on behind him on the motorcycle. His hands are on the handles, but his tentacles are wrapped around me, pulling me closer to his back. I blush slightly, even though we just slept on the same bed together. He looks back at me.
We are both wearing winter attire because it is pretty cold today. We are both wearing matching scarves and hats. I guess you can call it cute. Aakil is going so fast that wind is kinda freezing up my face.
"Slow down!" I shout, but he doesn't seem to hear as we navigate through the trees and narrow passages in the woods. I just snuggle closer to him. He tentacles push me closer as well.
Suddenly, my scarf decides to fly away. "Aakil!! My scarf! It's flying away." Then, Aakil decides to do something absolutely reckless. He slowly stands on the top of the motorcycle seat, his hands still controlling the handle and his face up front, but one of his tentacles reach over for my scarf. He ends up getting it, but the one tentacle that he used, unfortunately was holding me from falling off.
I tip to the side slightly, about to fall of. "Aah!!! Help!!!!" I scream a bit. Aakil panics and removes his hands from the handle to catch me out of instinct. But, at the speed, we were going, the motorcycle loses control and we both fall off, tumbling to the ground.
The motorcycle crashes into a tree and the next thing I know, I am lying on the ground, my arm sprained and possibly my ribs, broken. I (painfully) look to the side and see Aakil lying unconscious, a big gash on his head and one of his tentacles still around my waist. I try to move to help him, but legs don't comply.
Oop. Looks like I may have broken one of my legs as well. The pain is unbearable and my body decides to take action. Maybe I shouldn't have told him about my scarf...
3rd POV
The couple lie there side by side unconscious. The boy's brother gets a bad feeling that something happened to his brother. He decides to tell his older sister. They go looking for the couple.
A few hours later, they still don't find them. Where o where could they be?

King of the Woods
RomanceHa. Mates? Like werewolf mates? I know about that. But, a monster's mate? A what? A possessive monster's mate? Ha ha. Ha. Crap. (Warning: Cringe Alert) _________________________ ****All images and videos belong to their rightful owners. I own n...