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Heyy have you read the article?


Which one?


This one


Unravelling the Truth: Debunking the Marriage Rumors Surrounding Choi Yeonjun and Choi Ha-ri

by Hwan Mi-Yung

02/23/2023 09:32 ET

Choi Yeonjun, son and future takeover of the SnChoi Lawfirm Ltd. and influencer Choi Ha-ri have sparked rumours of marriage after being seen together on honeymoon holidays. Anonymous sources mentioned matching clothes of the couple while their vacation took place in a bigger penthouse high up in the mountains.

Though neither has confirmed the rumours, followers are speculating about the possibility of a wedding. Yeonjun and Ha-ri have been seen enjoying each other's company at several high-profile events and have had a strong connection for many years already. For now, all we can do is wait and see what the future holds for this known and beloved couple. Whether they get married or not, we will continue to support them in their respective careers.

Reading the article was Yeonjun itself for the first time. His eyes grew bigger at each sentence, not to mention how confused he was getting.

"What the fuck?" he hissed out loud, throwing his phone on his bed. As the son of a famous enterprise owner, he was used to read random articles about him. But this one was so out of blue, especially mentioning his current relationship status that was crumbling apart.


Uh how did u get that?


My friends from school showed it to me.

I think everyone has read it, it's pretty cute. What do you think?

Yeonjun sighed out loud, he was annoyed. Looking at the article, he read the journalist's name again. He had no idea who that was and how they got any sources.

What did he think of it? Fucking hilarious. He was already in a shitty mood because of certain someone constantly popping in his head, and this wasn't making it better.


It's okay ig


Is there a problem with it? You don't sound convincing.

Yeah right, guess why he didn't like the article?


Meanwhile, someone else laughed out by themselves. Beomgyu had read the article as well, the whole school and neighbourhood did. The family groupchat was spamming messages, showering Ha-ri with useless compliments.

"They have been dating for long, why commenting about it?" the boy thought to himself and shook his head. What a fun family he was living in.

He packed his phone into his pocket and exited his room. He hasn't gotten out of his room for a whole weekend; he wasn't feeling like it. Only grabbing some ramen or taking a trip to the toilet were his only interests.

Well now he wanted to distract himself from intrusive thoughts, so a walk outside sounded nice.

Walking down the stairs, he recognized the voices of his Step-dad and others. Just before he thought he could exit the house without any complaints, his dad called him.


"Are you going anywhere instead of studying?"

"Uhm" Beomgyu raised his eyebrows "I did before?"

Hoomin, who was standing close to the doorway, chuckled sarcastically. "I don't think you did enough. If you go on like this you will end up with no fame in life."

Maybe I don't want that?

Hoomin continued to glare at Beomgyu with hate in his eyes. As if he would wake and tell himself his step-son is not worth anything.

"Just look at what your sister has achieved. You could learn something from her"

Beomgyu took a moment to think before his actions, "Learn what? How to post pictures on social media? Oh wait, you're only proud because she has a rich boyfriend. Seriously, what do you want from me dad?"

The younger sometimes wondered if this man still deserved the title of Dad. Honestly, sometimes he envied the happy characters in movies with loving families. Or sometimes it disgusted him, one or the other. A/N: yeah same

"Beomgyu, don't you dare to raise your voice-"

"I will never get you" Beomgyu continued to interrupt, not caring that his voice was indeed echoing through the hall, "I at least have a life that I can control the way I want to, not unlike this princess surrounded by the castle. Fucking hell" while saying that, he glanced furiously at H-ari, who was standing with a pale face on the other side of the corridor.

The elder man hastily stepped towards the son, but Beomgyu didn't care anymore. In a matter of few seconds, he swung the door open and ran out in the darkness of the night, wherever his feet might bring him to.

Beomgyu decided that night to end his step-father's career somehow. Something that would make him regret his actions. He was sick of feeling this constant anger whenever he was surrounded by his family. In the end, they were all little fights, but it was making him go insane.

The thought of exposing the contract between the two Choi families to the press, made him giggle like a maniac. Yeah, he would for sure start with that. How he would expose it, was something he still had to find out.

He would deal with Yeonjun later. He already had in mind how to take a funny revenge. Revenge of what, you might ask? Beomgyu didn't know either. Maybe because he had made his plan fail. Or mixed up his emotions. Or made him less straight – who knows.

A/N: yeah in my books everyone gets what they deserve, because in real life its not always possible

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