Tangelo Island

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Last time Ember and her friends arrived at Valencia Island to receive a mysterious Pokéball for Professor Oak, after getting the GS Ball from Professor Ivy, the gang said their goodbyes and parted way to Tangelo Island.


The gang got to Tangelo Island safely. Ember was glad that they haven't run into Team Rocket yet. But she knew that they will soon.

"So what do we do now, Ember?" Mairin asked.

"Well first we find the Pokémon center, and then we plan what to do next from there." Ember decided.

So they continued on finding the Pokémon center. On the way, they came to a beach. But what they saw on the beach made them very angry. Three trainers, dressed like a thugs, were beating a Lapras with wooden sticks.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing to that Pokémon?!" Ember shouted, "Leave that Lapras alone!"

"If you must know, sweetheart," The trainer with the red open shirt said, "We're training this Pokémon for the Orange League."

"That's right! This is none of your business." The second Trainer said with purple shirt and white hat, "Now scram!"

Ember got really angry and turned her Sylveon, "Nova, use Psychic to throw these jerks into the sea!"

Nova's eyes glowed blue and used her psychic attack to hoist the three trainers into the air and flung them into the sea. Then the three trainers got out of the sea.

"You three have no right to be Pokémon trainers," Alain glared, "and I don't think the Orange League would like trainers like you either."

"This brat wants to pick a fight." The third trainer with an orange shirt said, angrily.

"Then we'll give her one." The first trainer growled. "Go!" He sent out his Spearow.

"Go!" The other two trainer sent out Hitmonchan and Beedrill.

"Spearow!" The tiny bird screeched out.

"Monchan!" The punching Pokémon said.

"Beee!" The poison bee Pokémon said.

"Don't hold back, Nova." Ember told her partner.

"Sylveon! (You got it!)" Nova got ready to battle when suddenly they were interrupted.


Surprised, they all turned to see a young man with short black hair, brown eyes, wearing a bandana around his forehead. He was also sporting a green shirt, and red shorts. Ember recognized him. It was Tracey Sketchit.

"Who's that?" Mairin wondered.

"Not sure." Alain responded.

Tracey came down to the beach and observe the three jerks Pokémon before giving his examination.

"This Spearow is vitamin-deficient," then turned to Beedrill, "The coloring on this Beedrill is poor," and finally he evaluated Hitmonchan, "And this Hitmonchan is lacking exercise. Such poor care, underdeveloped actually."

When he was done with them, he then evaluated Nova, "This Sylveon however is a different story. Its coat is shiny and looks very healthy."

"Um, thank you...?" Ember slowly said, unsure of how else to respond.

Irritated, the trio decided to attack, but Ember wasn't having any of it.

"Thunder Shock!"

Nova sent a powerful Thunder Shock to the three Pokémon, knocking them out instantly.

[2] Professor Kukui's Daughter: Adventures in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now