Moro Island

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The gang continued on their journey, they're headed to the next island to rest for the night.

Mairin saw an island ahead of them, "What Island is that?" She asked, pointed ahead.

Tracey took out his binoculars and saw the island, "That's Moro Island." He replied.

"Let's go and rest there for the night." Ember said.


When the gang arrived at the island, night arrived, and they were now in the Pokémon Center.

Ember called the Kanto's Professor for a talk on the video phone.

"Hiya Professor Oak." Ember greeted the Kanto Professor.

"[Hello everyone, I'm fine and I can see you're all doing well.]" Professor Oak responded.

"We're all fine." Mairin said.

"[Excellent, where are you calling from?]" Prof. Oak asked.

"Moro Island." Zoey replied.

"[Ah, you timed your arrival perfectly then.]"

Ember raised an eyebrow, "We did?"

"[You mean you haven't seen the news?]" Professor Oak asked.

"We haven't been in civilization for awhile." Cilan replied.

"[Oh, I see. Here it is, read this.]" The Kanto Professor showed the gang a newspaper article.

"Treasure found. Drivers have recovered what they claim to be an Orange League Championship trophy dated back over 300 years, from a sunken ship from the coast of Moro Island." Alain read out.

"Wow. 300 years." Mairin said.

"[Of course, there is lots of studies to be done but they are certain that it's the real thing.]" Professor Oak spoke.

"Sounds amazing." Tracey said.

"[You can see it if you like. They have the trophy on display in the Moro Island Museum of Art.]"

"Oh, I love to see what a 300-year-old trophy Orange League trophy was like." Ember said.

"Then let's see it tomorrow morning." Alain suggested.

"Yeah." Ember agreed.

"Sylveon." Nova added.


Morning came and the gang arrived at the museum location.

"This is the museum." Zoey said.

"It is." Tracey stated.

"But why is everyone outside?" Alain questioned.

The gang walked towards the crowd and carefully pressed through to the front, where Office Jenny and other police officers were there as well.

"Excuse me, Officer Jenny did something happen?" Ember asked.

Officer Jenny looked at the gang, "The old Orange League trophy we had on display here is stolen." She answered.

"Say what?!" Zoey exclaimed.

"The trophy is gone!" Mairin exclaimed.

"Sylve!" Nova yelped.

"It seems several people broken in last night and took it." Officer Jenny explained, "The only clues we have right now are a couple of footprints and this imprint of someone carrying the trophy."

[2] Professor Kukui's Daughter: Adventures in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now