Back At Pallet Town

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After the incident with a Lapras pod and some pirates, Ember and the gang were now on their way to Pallet Town to deliver the G.S Ball to Professor Oak.

"I can't wait to meet Prof Oak at last." Tracey said.

"I wonder how Prof Oak is doing with the GS ball." Alain pondered.

"You know," Ember said, "Something about that ball seemed weird to me. I mean no one could get it open, as if this ball has to have something happen to it to actually open."

"Do you mean like in those stories? The ones that show that a special magic item has to be in a special place to work or such?" Mairin questioned.

"I do not know," Ember answered, "The GS ball is a real mystery."

That afternoon, the boat finally brought Ember and the gang to the docks of Kanto.


After walking some forests, the gang made it into Pallet Town. Then the gang headed for Prof Oak's lab.

Tracey was getting excited to meet Prof Oak at last, "I'm going to show him all my sketches." he said.

Ember wondered how many sketches Tracey had; after all Tracey did say that he has sketched quite a lot of Pokémon in the past. When they got to the lab, Ember rang the doorbell. They heard footsteps coming towards the door which soon opened to reveal Prof. Oak.

"Oh, Ember, Alain, Mairin, Zoey, Cilan, it's great to see you all again." Prof. Oak greeted.

"He's really real!" Tracey smiled with excitement, "It's certainly an honor to finally meet you, Prof. Oak."

"Well, it's nice to meet you too, Tracey." Prof. Oak greeted, "Now, come on in."

The gang entered the lab, following the Professor inside.

Nova jumped onto Prof. Oak's shoulder, and he petted her head, "Why hello there, Nova. How are you?"

Nova smiled, "Sylveon!"

"Looks like you've all had quite an adventure." A male voice said.

Everyone turned to the voice and saw Ember's parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Ember beamed happily as she ran and hugged her parents who hugged her back. Nova jumped onto her parents' shoulder and cuddled between all of them.

"Oh Ember, it's so good to see you, honey." Burnet said as she hugged Ember tighter.

"Mom, you're squeezing too hard!" Ember yelped.

Burnet gently released Ember, "Sorry, sweetie." She apologized.

"Congrads on your victory at the Orange League, Ember. Your battle was amazing." Kukui smiled.

"Your dad and I along with your Pokémon were glued to the TV." Burnet smiled.

"Thanks, dad, mom. It was so great to battle in the Orange League. You would have loved it." Ember said.

"I bet we would." Kukui agreed.

"By the way, this is Tracey. He's a Pokémon Watcher who joined when we first traveled through the Orange League." Ember introduced her new friend.

"It's a pleasure to meet you two." Tracey greeted.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Tracey. I didn't think I would meet another Pokémon Watcher again." Kukui greeted him.

"Indeed. I'm glad that you traveled with our daughter and her friends." Burnet agreed.

"Thanks, I had a great time with them. By the way, Prof. Oak, would you be interested in looking through my sketches?" Tracey asked.

[2] Professor Kukui's Daughter: Adventures in the Orange IslandsWhere stories live. Discover now