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liked by mmctavish and 426 others

taylormctavish: finally reunited with my fav twin :)

view all 159 comments...

sydneyhayes: miss u already t <3

taylormctavish: I miss u too syd 

taylormctavish: see u in 2 weeks ;)

jamiedrysdale: dude he devoured that corn dog

taylormctavish: I think he had 4...

mmctavish: shut up Taylor 

private messages 

mommy syd 🤠🍻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

mommy syd 🤠🍻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

miss taylor 

tell me everything about cali so far


it's so nice here syd you would love it

I'm staying with mason in his spare room for now, I even have my own bathroom

he's inviting some friends over to hang out tonight so I can get to know them better

mommy syd 🤠🍻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Im so jealous 

save me some guys for when I come visit


can't make any promises

mommy syd 🤠🍻👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

I could always just hookup with mason otherwise


please stop 🤢

ill save some for u I promise

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