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Trevor arrived at the rink first. He showed his keycard and id to security before walking over and finding a door to sneak Taylor in through. He found one over by the rangers locker room so he texted her and let her know to go in through the back. Five minutes later they were reunited again, ripping each others clothes off in the guest locker room.

Four days had been too long for the couple, and it made Trevor realise how much he loved this girl. His heart ached when they weren't together, he missed everything about her the second she was gone. She was intoxicating for the boy.

"Did you lock the door?" she asked him. 

"Mhm" he responded, kissing her neck.

"Missed me that much?".

"Shut up and bend over" he said, putting a condom on.

Taylor did as the boy said, gasping as he put it in. Immediate pleasure hit the two of them, their bodies aching for each other. 

They went into the showers afterwords. cooling themselves down and catching their breaths. Trevor kissed Taylors shoulders, hugging her from behind.

"How am I supposed to survive without seeing you every day" he asked. 

"You will manage Trev".

"Are you excited to meet my family" he asked, looking at her with his big blue eyes. 

"I'm really nervous" she said.

"They already love you okay, just be yourself and make sure you are extra nice to me" Trevor joked, causing her to giggle. 

They got dressed before sneaking back out of the building and getting into their separate Ubers and going back to their hotels.

Trevor snuck into his hotel room trying not to wake Jamie, but was surprised to see him awake and on his phone.

"Hey Jimmy" he said trying to act normal.

"Hi Z, have fun with Taylor?".

"How did you know".

Jamie laughed at his friends reaction. "Sydney told me, we talked a little while ago when she couldn't sleep".

Trevor jumped into his bed, wondering if he should bring up the whole baby thing with Jamie again. 

"Sydney told Taylor about the baby" Jamie said. 

"How did it go".

"Good, Taylor supports her no matter what".

Trevor wasn't surprised to hear that. He knew how much Sydney meant to Taylor, and he also knew how kind and supportive his girlfriend was, no matter what the situation.

"You know I support you no matter what Jimmy, if you want this baby then I'm super happy for you". 

Jamie smiled at his best friend, "I really want this baby Z, I love it so much already".

"When do you find out the gender".

"When we get back home to Anaheim, she has a good doctor there as well as back home in Canada".

The boys continued talking for a few hours before they decided to sleep and get some rest before the game tomorrow. 

Jamies alarm woke them up the next morning at 7am sharp. They threw on some clothes before going down to the hotel lobby to grab some breakfast before heading out for their practice skate at the rink. 

They met up with Mason and the others at the rink, who had already warmed up and done some weight lifting to prepare for the game later. Jamie hit the ice while Trevor sat and talked to Eakins for a bit before to get some personal tips on how to be better. 

Once they had practiced they grabbed some lunch and headed home to prepare for their game against the Rangers later that night. Trevor was counting down the days till Taylor would finally meet his family, and he couldn't wait. 

My Brothers Teammate - Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now